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John Kerry in Moscow
by nano Thursday, May 9 2013, 2:19am
international / prose / post

It’s not so much the Russians are fools or gullible, the political -- not military -- leadership has been bought and is thoroughly corrupt as are Chinese political -- again not military -- leaders.

Kerry (left) has something in common with criminal Bush
Kerry (left) has something in common with criminal Bush

The world is aware that any deal made with the US is not worth the paper it's written on let alone a handshake or ‘under-the-table’ arrangement. The historical record clearly demonstrates that the US reneges on almost every deal or promise it makes in order to pursue its quest for global hegemony/domination -- a lunatic’s dream, I might add.

Previous about-turns and classic US back-stabs and RENEGES occurred in the Balkans against the Serb leadership, which gullibly fell for the bullshit and then either got assassinated or arrested and surrendered to the puppet courts at the Hague. Then there was the historically chummy relationship with Sadam Hussein before the US reneged and had him hanged in order to steal Iraq’s precious oil reserves.

Gaddafi of Libya had been dealing foolishly with NATO proxies before he was stabbed in the back and assassinated; the list of Latin American leaders sold down the drain by the LYING US is as long as your arm and it doesn’t stop there; just read your history books and it becomes glaringly evident that corporate/Wall St controlled America is totally untrustworthy and a classic criminal State that will make a deal and later renege on it and usually follow up with a few assassinations -- the US is ‘truly’ a beacon of ‘justice’ and ‘democracy’ for the entire world to see!

Now to the Syrian debacle on the ground; indeed Assad’s government forces are winning and various false flag operations involving Israel committing heinous crimes against humanity have been exposed BUT no strong condemnations from the UN or allied assistance from corrupt Russia and China has yet been seen. Nevertheless, the criminals will not stop until they are stopped.

It must first be understood that Kerry does not represent the US, he represents the global elite or PLUTOCRATS which have Beijing and Moscow, as well as all Western governments in their pockets but not as tight as they would like, so we are seeing as I write the erosion of liberties, democratic rights, new draconian laws and military invasions -- all are screaming evidence that the Plutocrats are hard at work attempting to gain complete control of the FREE world.

As history demonstrates, these people never stop trying regardless of historical evidence of failures, they are criminally INSANE (understand that if nothing else) and always imagine they will succeed where every other group or dictator has failed. Consider the millions of innocent lives lost in order for the very unrepresentative few to accrue what? Fuckin’ inherently worthless MONEY, “sick, sick, sick,” is your name, as John Lennon once recorded.

Keep your eye on Syria it may be the historical watershed where it all comes undone and the people turn on their bought and corrupt governments GLOBALLY -- you think I exaggerate, well I have studied the subject in depth and it doesn’t take too much skill to turn a situation to advantage when it becomes unstable and untenable for those that obligingly triggered it.

Read the following report between the lines if you would glean an accurate appraisal of the situation:

US Manoeuvering in Moscow
by Syria report

Despite John Kerry’s uncharacteristically pragmatic statement about negotiating with the Syrian government in an effort to end the conflict through dialogue, it is likely that the US is buying time while it considers further arms to militant groups.

Concluding late-night discussions, US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called for new talks for a political resolution. Kerry met first for more than two hours with President Vladimir Putin and then for a further three with Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

In the aftermath of increased accusations against the government of chemical weapons use and in the backdrop of Syrian army advances and successes on the ground, it is likely that the US will increase efforts to arm militant groups.

John Kerry has suggested that the US is “willing to keep Assad in the picture”, a remarkable turnaround from Washington given it’s steadfast support of armed groups and apparent willingness to observe the influence and role of extremist groups.

Kerry’s uncharacteristically pragmatic statement is likely to be an attempt to buy time while the US and its vocal allies in Britain, Middle East and the Gulf try to consolidate and agree their next move. After all, America’s notable pre-condition for talks was the moving aside of President Bashar al-Assad.

While Russia and China’s consistent position has stressed the necessity of dialogue to end the conflict, America and it’s allies have taken concrete steps to militarise the conflict to effect successes by armed militant groups against the Syrian government.

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Now consider that heinous war and other crimes against humanity have been committed by the US, NATO and Israel over the past decade and yet not one RESPONSIBLE official has been placed on trial. The fact that KNOWN heinous, mass murdering, LYING, thieving CRIMINALS, Blair, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, to name a few, remain at large and free to laugh and display their complete contempt for the PEOPLE, is a very strong indicator not of ‘the emperor wearing no clothes’ but of saturation or ignition point; it can’t go on much longer without RE-ACTION -- “let them eat cake,” indeed!

All the horrid and brutal crimes our puppet leaders have committed for their Plutocratic masters are on public RECORD -- the decision when to enforce EXISTING laws rests with the MORAL majority. No-one is above the law even though Obama and his ilk imagine they are! The decision is OURS -- as it always has been. We simply D-E-M-A-N-D JUSTICE, place known sociopathic criminals on trial and hang them to restore peace to the world -- it’s not rocket science.

The fact that both men belong to an elite criminal secret organisation is historical fact not conspiracy theory
The fact that both men belong to an elite criminal secret organisation is historical fact not conspiracy theory

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