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Oz Carbon Tax - Price Hikes Across the Board
by rex Monday, Aug 20 2012, 11:55am
international / prose / post

While opposition leader Tony Abbott has been harping on energy price increases and haranguing reprehensible LIAR, PM Gillard in parliament, the Oz population is facing monumental hikes in prices across the board particularly where it hurts at supermarket checkouts.

Universally reviled lying bitch, Juliar Gillard
Universally reviled lying bitch, Juliar Gillard

After less than two months since the introduction/IMPOSITION of Gillard's Carbon Tax, the PM has been exposed once again as a reprehensible LYING bitch!

Gillard promised that her subsidies and the 'minor price increases' wouldn't "hurt" average Australians -- well, just ask the average housewife what she's now paying for fresh produce and other supermarket commodities. For example, tomatoes have risen in price by over $2.50/kilo in a WEEK; brussel sprouts by approximately $3/kilo; 500ml fruit juices have skyrocketed in price by over 30% and the list goes on, including alcohol products, beer, wine and spirits.

Bear in mind that this is only the beginning, what prices will be in twelve months time is a frightening prospect for all Australians.

So what's new you say, Gillard LIED to gain office and LIED again regarding the negative impact of her universally loathed Carbon Tax -- and after Independent MP Tony Windsor exposed the opposition leader as a FRAUD on the issue, the Australian people may have learned that both major parties are tarred with the same Corporate brush and are not to be trusted ever again.

If Gillard's treachery to the once tolerant Australian people has disillusioned the majority of voters then it may have been worth it. After the exposure in parliament of the opposition as merely playing politics and point scoring on the issue we may see the rise of REPRESENTATIVE INDEPENDENTS in parliament and a return to at least a semblance of democracy. The current political situation in Australia has descended into farce, deception and gross incompetence and the Australian people are PAYING the PRICE.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-53.html