Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Choice Tidbit
by caz Monday, Apr 29 2013, 10:52pm
international / prose / post

a humanist story

We recall only a few decades past how both the Soviet Union and the USA would fight proxy wars in various regions throughout the world. You could almost guarantee that wherever one superpower was backing rebels or fascists the other was arming and training the local fighting opposition, it was a fact of life prior to the collapse of the USSR.

"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." - Voltaire
"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." - Voltaire

In stark contrast today freedom fighters and other independent fighting groups opposed to invading American/NATO imperialist forces are not supported to a large extent by Russia or China though some minor support is evident. For example, where was Russia and China during the ILLEGAL direct US/NATO attack on former Yugoslavia? Should we also mention the travesty that occurred in Libya, the Sino-Russian alliance sat back and watched NATO commit crimes against humanity in broad daylight and of course to top it off for the history books there was Clinton's infamous little remark made on national TV, "we came, we saw, he died," taking FULL responsibility for the ILLEGAL proxy assassination of Gaddafi -- it couldn't get much plainer.

But what is missing today is the sophisticated support of its allies by Russia and China -- especially in Eastern Europe, Africa and Central Asia. Recall how the USA trained local Afghan and Pakistani Islamists in making IEDs and in guerrilla warfare to oppose the occupying Russians at the time -- notwithstanding the very large contributions of cash and other assets such as portable surface to air missiles (SAMS) which tipped the balance against the occupying Russians. The result, the USSR collapsed, how sweet it was for western imperialists but sweeter still is the commercial appropriation of centralist governments in China and Russia today. If we follow the money of thoroughly corrupt leaders in both nations, which is secreted away in European and Caribbean offshore havens under the control of western imperialist nations, the truth is plain to see -- hence the lack of EFFECTIVE support for today's anti-imperialist freedom fighters.

Again follow the money for verification -- China went from a backward, underdeveloped 'push-bike' economy in the 60's to an economic superpower with a huge manufacturing infrastructure almost overnight -- where did that HUGE multi-trillion dollar investment come from -- mega Bank/Financiers like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, or the exact same PRIVATE interests that control the US and other western nations?

Now consider the Drone war that puppet Obama is conducting at the behest of the Plutocrats and Corporatists. It is fact that Drones are sitting ducks in the sky, they are easily downed by SAMS or jet fighters. Now consider the devastation Drones cause in regions not supplied with highly portable and easily obtainable Russian and Chinese weapons/SAMS and you too will arrive at the obvious conclusion 'someone' is ALLOWING open slather attacks when downing Drones is as simple as shooting ducks in a small pond. BUT WHY? Simply because Russian and Chinese leaders are thoroughly corrupt and are owned.

Now that we have established a universal corrupting influence it is simple to see how it operates -- and let's not fall into the usual trap of blaming Bankers and/or Corporatists (merchants) whose form has been known since the times of Christ and Buddha -- moneyed elites have been corrupting and buying influence for thousands of years. Two great social reformers, the Buddha and Christ, are depicted as having vehemently attacked corrupt mercantile and minority elite interests -- their rejection of material WEALTH forms major themes in both narratives.

So it becomes clear that the problem is inherently human -- GREED and SELFISHNESS are the REAL enemies -- the Americans extol both deplorable characteristics as desirable qualities today! Entire nations and billions of human beings are enslaved and murdered simply because of human failings.

Of course if we wish to remedy that situation we must collectively call on the noble human qualities that we all possess -- it is clear that the REAL battle is within, the temporal/phenomenological world is merely an expression of our inner state, good or bad.

The social and environmental situation is readily cured/mitigated if WE are of the right mind. I leave you to enjoy your 'state,' inner and outer.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-523.html