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SF Gay 'Pride' Abandons Gay Hero Bradley Manning
by tony Sunday, Apr 28 2013, 1:06am
international / prose / post

The supremely cowardly stance of American (SF) gays is not surprising given the gay CONSERVATIVE push to legalise gay marriage -- we should not forget that marriage is probably the most conservative of all social arrangements. And to think that the gay movement in the 80's was radical -- a persecuted minority group struggling against conservative values has now performed a complete inversion and EMBRACED conservatism -- so what else is new in upside-down, HYPOCRITICAL America?

The following article by Glenn Greenwald, once an independent journo now working for the man, lays blame for the despicable lack of support for the bravest American gay in modern history squarely on the shoulders of the Corporations when in fact the blame rests with the gay COMMUNITY for allowing this outrage to occur. Let it be clear that anyone that participates in SF Gay Pride is a supporter of the criminal civilian killing Pentagon and its Kangaroo court commissions, as recently confirmed by the president of SF Gay Pride, Lisa L Williams.

I need not remind readers that the character and moral conviction that Manning has displayed to date is exemplary, notwithstanding his existing HERO status -- take note sell-out SF fags and dykes; fortunately your views are local and do not reflect the international gay stance on American war and other crimes against humanity. This gesture by officials of the SF GP will no doubt hurt Bradley Manning more than the nine months of continuous torture he suffered and endured at the hands of the mainstream criminal military:

Refer to link below for Guardian story.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-520.html