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Bipartisan Torture Inquiry: U.S. 'Indisputably' Guilty of Torture
by staff report via sal - Radio Free Europe Friday, Apr 19 2013, 9:07am
international / prose / post

Note that almost ten years have elapsed since Bush enlisted the services of John Yoo to 'legalise' torture -- another stillborn inquiry. Releasing "indisputable" findings or proof that the USA tortures is hardly news or a revelation, the WORLD is fully aware that criminal US administrations approve and sanction the use of torture! Detained suspects (including Bradley Manning) were/are regularly TORTURED in order to extract confessions and/or force compliance.


The results of this 'official' inquiry are insulting to every thinking person given that former VP Dick Cheney bragged about approving and implementing torture on national TV -- what is wrong with you, America?

American propaganda is feeble and its social management methods are completely transparent.

It matters not that Obama refuses to pursue Bush for crimes against humanity, as both presidential PUPPET clowns are lackeys to the same ruling elite that dictates policy to whoever THEY install into Office.

Isn't it about time GUILTY Corporatists and Wall St puppet masters were targeted and prosecuted -- focusing on puppet presidents has lost its distraction value.

America NOW boasts extra-judicial 'kill lists' and 'indefinite detention' without charge or trial, more 'progressive' social policies that a nation could truly take pride in!

I need not refer to America's status as the world's leading civilian killing nation -- all I need do is refer to the Boston bombings. After decades of US indiscriminate killing of innocent civilians in other nations, those offended by these criminal actions have taken the war to American soil.

If you wish to lament the loss of civilian life have a thought or two for the MILLIONS (yes, millions) OF INNOCENTS AMERICA HAS SLAUGHTERED before you grieve for a few on the home 'front' because home has indeed become a FRONT!

Police State America is overjoyed at the latest bombings as it now has ample justification and excuses to further deprive you of your few remaining rights and liberties, you dumb American tragic fuck's!

Believe what you like but one thing is certain -- this event assists the Police State agenda to lock down everything. Watch for a new onslaught on gun control and the further eroding of remaining liberties as a result of this managed bombing -- two alienated impressionable youths, classic FBI/CIA setup!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-505.html