Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

by jake Wednesday, Apr 17 2013, 11:19am
international / poetry / post


the mute mount
in the distance
appears as something
it is not

at rest now but ferocious
and merciless when active
the mount is a volcano
in repose

do not be deceived by
its snow-covered summit
it hides explosive fury and rivers
of lava - endless fire-streams
that reduce everything for miles around
to a moonscape

things are never what they seem,
everything reverts to itself
and a volcano is a time-bomb
ready to explode and wreak havoc
across the land

mega-tonnes of power in one volcano
how much more in a caldera,
a nursery of volcanoes -
Rabaul and Yellowstone
are overdue, as is the big one
along the fault in California

humans are so arrogant
in times of dormancy;
they have forgotten how
vulnerable and insignificant
they really are

soon, very soon ...

Rabaul Caldera
Rabaul Caldera

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-500.html