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Neptune Moon
by ryall Tuesday, Apr 16 2013, 12:25pm
international / poetry / post

indigo planet
hovered over my moon,

i thought nothing of it
i began to fall in love with
every woman i encountered
crazy dykes, demented, tormented
casualties, damaged goods and other
crazies, i was seeing everything
through neptune’s opiate eyes
no sooner had i met a new woman
i was gone again

it was love no doubt
my experience and intellect
backgrounded watching
my irrational love run rampant
all over my good sense,
my heart writing my life’s
secrets in the sky

but such is the nature of love
it knows no norms or boundaries
each foray is a new world
of experience
every woman another soul
to consume

a teen again complete
with gut-churning desire and
the agony of rejection
the ecstasy and the torment
of love unchained
my god,
i had almost forgotten
what it was like to love,
without reins -

what a boon
a natural blessing
the neptune cycle

the only woman i didn’t fall in love
with was my female astrologer
who informed me that neptune had left
the orbit of my moon

just before i threw a rope
over the garage rafter

fortunately it was only a transit
i wouldn’t have coped with a
a natal conjunction

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-498.html