Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

by candice Friday, Apr 5 2013, 9:54am
international / poetry / post


in the most pleasant moment
in the throes of ecstasy
something follows like a ghost
to murder the moment of joy
like a foul
that sticks to the inside of ur nostrils
and spoils every scent
regardless of how sweet or

the assassin
despoils everything
or is it
that everything is corruptible
and decays of its own accord?

what has a rose done to deserve
shrinking, withering
and dying?

but we know,
it’s the work of the assassin,
the despoiler
haunted beauty,
it corrupts that which
appears incorruptible

like the notion that a fiction
creates reality

a God that is murdered by men
is no God at all
only another pretender

the Christians believe their God
was murdered by men,
is it possible for a mortal
to kill a God?
i think not
but it is possible that
a man-made God is killed by men
as nothing can withstand corruption
in the end

that old assassin
would kill Truth
if he could locate it
but it’s safe in its hidden place
Truth remains inviolable,
very few have ever discovered
its secret place

obscurity seems to
delay corruption,
accelerates it

Truth survives
simply because it
does not exist

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-472.html