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'without him all this killing can't go on ..'
by mitch Saturday, Aug 18 2012, 1:27am international /
prose /
The mindless tragedy of history repeating itself
Before I begin this discourse I would state that the primary force that put an end to the corporate and ideological wars of the 60's and 70's was the people, yes, the socially connected masses of the pre-digital age whose brains were 'wired' somewhat differently than the alienated, socially DIS-connected, 'me' generations of today.
Social cohesion and awareness are very powerful social forces; together, they prevent nefarious minorities taking control of nations and subjugating the masses to the will and perversity of the few. Social awareness and cohesion ensure a fairer deal for all and prevent important social institutions of justice and education falling victim to corruption and exclusivity.
However, social cohesion and justice are reliant on a free media, the means by which we are informed and information is disseminated; that is why press freedom was written into the American Constitution. The media is the only means by which the people are able to connect to the greater world and each other and should that media fall under the control of any vested interest or group then God help society as its ruin is inevitable without the balancing factor of the mass mind/conscience.
Human frailty is indeed a reality and we are ALL corruptible when confronted with too much power or wealth. That is why it is critical for all healthy societies to have a free and open means of disseminating information; the masses must be aware of the prevailing REALITY at all times. If the media is hijacked by minority interests, as is now the case in the western and eastern worlds, then disaster becomes inevitable, pure and simple.
Nevertheless, human beings are always able to remedy any social ill -- the forces of conscience and civilised morality once ignited are impossible to resist or quell; justice and order are restored according to the greater social will and a fair 'shake' for all becomes a reality again.
The wealth disparities that exist today are greater than those that existed during the age of 'divine' Pharaohs and the slave populations of ancient Rome, some of whom had better living conditions, in relative terms, than many Americans have today. No better barometer exists than the distribution of wealth in any given society to assess the overall 'health' and condition of that society.
We have before us in the world today ever-widening wealth disparities for no good reason. Cliques and cabals secretly manipulating outcomes behind the scenes to ensure the continuity of the prevailing, grossly unfair, status quo. Yet those cliques and minority cabals are known to us. Criminal elites continue to arrogantly push and impose their nefarious plans onto the world at great cost to the global masses and environment.
Make time for human congress and LARGE social gatherings, join together in communities and allow society to become a singular force for JUSTICE and good once again. Become the only real saving force that humanity knows.