Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

by ryall Saturday, Mar 30 2013, 11:07am
international / poetry / post

integrity remains inviolable,
the underlying factor in
the plurality of existence
is harmony,
all else emerges
and endures from that.

is continuity so mysterious
or evasive a quality that humanity
is unable to comprehend
the enduring perfection
that saturates all existence
and presents itself
undisguised to everyone --
what manner of blindness
affects this age?

oblivious to the enduring
the human species perverts
the natural order of things,
and sets a course
to certain annihilation.

the problem is not the few
rogue elements that
alter course,
it is the entire body
of humanity that errs
by allowing minority
rogue elements
to guide the majority
to destruction.

as a leaf floats effortlessly on the wind
and the sea overcomes everything
by resisting nothing
unfurl your hidden wings,
cut loose your moorings
and ride the harmonious dynamics of creation
to perfection.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-467.html