Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Understanding Our Relationship with Existence
by quinn Sunday, Mar 24 2013, 11:34am
international / prose / post

The title allows for never-ending descriptions/explanations so I will restrict myself to a general appreciation that may lead you to discover what you require at this stage of your evolution.

It must be stated at the outset that we are part of a whole not some special separate ‘individual’ entity given privileges to destroy the earth, as the Abrahamic tradition states, “dominion …, subdue the earth” etc. This perverse ideology arrogantly teaches that humankind is somehow special and has dominion over the beasts and the earth/environment.

After a few thousand years of this arrogant ideology human kind is now able to brag that its attempts to ‘subdue’ – rather than co-operate or harmonise with nature -- have resulted in poisonous pollution levels that have caused drastic climate change which in turn threaten to disrupt all living things, including the polluting upstarts that falsely imagined they were above or separate from nature’s laws. We now know better, I hope!

The cause of the problems we now face was/is false belief systems of which religion is the prime offender with science in second place. So the very first error of human kind was/is the notion of separation; how utterly absurd to imagine we are separate. Our bodies are made of matter supplied by the stars and our consciousness is of the same stuff that intelligently guides and propels the cosmos on its infinite journey. We are created beings subject to certain universal laws that affect the substance of our/universal being.

Now, to the benefits of consciously knowing we/everything is One continuous existence.

As stated in a poem somewhere on this site, the part (humans) reflect the whole (cosmos) and vice-versa; and so goes the Hermetic adage, “as above, so below,” and that includes the driving forces or harmonious laws of nature – the reality is we are permanently connected, we are not nor have we ever been disconnected in any way with the rest of existence.

It follows that we are therefore able to tap into all knowledge and understand the workings of the universe, as the ‘part does indeed reflect the whole.’ So what prevents us from doing so successfully? Answer, inculcated erroneous beliefs, arrogance and habitual perverse behaviours.

Sitting quietly contemplating the nature of all things should reveal the true nature of all things, if it doesn’t, then the problem is all ours, conceit and habitual perverse mental behaviours are always involved in ignorance and false or distorted perceptions.

Perhaps a little advice at this stage; if indeed all knowledge/harmony is contained in our being then it should be available and accessible. Throughout the ages, regardless of cultural diversity, the One successful method that consistently presents itself is to allow innate knowledge to surface without obstructions. A major obstruction in the free flow of information is thought, yes thought; language is derived from culture and that is the repository of all limiting and perverse knowledge, it is not instantaneous universal knowledge.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-461.html