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US, UK and Sweden Outsmarted by Ecuador's Rafael Correa
by nicco Friday, Aug 17 2012, 1:14pm
international / prose / post

Nothing less than brilliant, and the cupie doll goes to Rafael Correa of the tiny Latin American nation of Ecuador!

President Rafael Correa
President Rafael Correa

While narcissist extraordinaire, Julian Assange, steals the front pages away from REAL news, like the horrendous massacre of 34 protesting miners in South Africa by gun-happy police (video below) -- a story corporatists and global elites would rather you not see -- the prize for political manoeuvring in the Assange saga has clearly gone to the president of Ecuador Rafael Correa who is now busily rallying a host of Latin American nations to form a unified protest against a UK threat to storm the Ecuadoran Embassy in London and illegally arrest Assange (who clearly does not warrant such an extreme action); nevertheless, violating the territory of a sovereign state/embassy would be in direct contravention of international conventions which clearly state that sovereign embassy territory is inviolable, so no prizes for guessing that the current (lackey) British government is under huge pressure from Washington to extradite Assange to vassal state Sweden.

Not since Tito of post-war Yugoslavia has a politician displayed such deft tactical ability; Correa stands to benefit no end from this political coup -- rustic American dunces, Swedish and UK officials have been left screaming like spoiled children who just dropped their ice-creams.

Correa began his strategy by inviting Swedish officials to interview Assange in his London embassy, Sweden declined for no good reason, which all but advertised the fact that the USA is behind a not so covert plot to apprehend and detain Assange on serious charges no matter what!

After Correa's initial astute manoeuvres, he then granted Asylum to Assange, which was calculated to push the noses of the US and its lackey states so far out of joint it would guarantee a huge international embarrassment and major loss of face! To say the US, Sweden and UK are furious over Ecuador's decision is understatement but Correa had the high ground in his sights at all times. He is now riding a popular wave of support in all Latin America and stands to become something of a defacto leader of the continent.

Not only has the US lost Assange it has also created a huge problem for itself in Latin America; Correa has already gained widespread support and popularity as a result of his defiant anti-American actions and political skill.

The big losers in all these intrigues are of course glamour boy Assange, who is living in prison-like conditions in the London embassy and the pathetic and disgraceful inaction of the Australian government, which has clearly forsaken one of its citizens on behalf of its American overlord.

If Assange is unable to reach Ecuador soon his life promises to be a living hell in the confined space of the London embassy, but that part of the saga has not yet been played out -- we shall see!


Viva, Correa!

Slaughter of protesting miners in South Africa

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-46.html