Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

by vince Saturday, Mar 16 2013, 11:13am
international / poetry / post

there r no regrets,
of that be assured
there is no view
comparable to the
sprawling panorama seen
from the top
of mount meru

the view unfolds
in every direction,
no words could hope
to describe the spell-binding
splendour that stretches out
before one's eyes

from this vantage
nothing remains unseen
no thought or private thing
is hidden

the peak is the crowning
achievement of those dedicated
to conquering every obstacle
and trial that presents itself

few make it to the summit
of this mountain
the majority are driven
back down the slopes
and settle for life in the lowlands
but for those that endure
and overcome the reward
is worth the effort.

i try not to dwell on the difficulty
of the climb
though in my ragged moments
when fatigue steals precious vitality
i am acutely aware
that it was a grueling challenge
a cunt of a climb,
a real bitch

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-451.html