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Dark Reign
by amber Thursday, Feb 14 2013, 11:08am
international / poetry / post

for whom do u maintain your stoic
for whom do u torture urself?

no god requires your pain
no goddess accepts ur sorrow
not one angel in heaven
has need of ur misery.

with a mighty roar
let it all go
relieve urself of imposed,
useless burdens

u think u were created to suffer?
it’s a brazen lie!
in ineffable bliss were u born,
u were created in pure joy -
who would displace ur peace
and serenity with frenzy?

what thief would rob u
of ur inheritance
and leave tribulation, agony
in its place?

but we know who

this type is easily identified
their lies, machinations
and deceit brand them

they would give u barbs for necklaces
and broken glass for a bed
they are well known to everyone,
could decay and death disguise its
unmistakable stench?

if u are offered fear instead of happiness
if your treasure house is burgled and
refuse is left where your shining
jewels and pearls should be
u needn’t look far to identify
the culprit -
look to the Hill
where a black man with
a black lying heart
signs orders
to murder women, children and
all manner of innocence,
a man that replaces life-giving
rain from the sky
with missiles,
blood and death.

it is folly to ignore reality
and continue to suffer
when the cause is known
and the cure is freely available.

we need not succumb to evil,
death and slavery
as life, freedom and liberty.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-408.html