Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

by wisp Sunday, Feb 10 2013, 10:13am
international / poetry / post

i caught a glimpse
of u as i walked,
seated on a
grassy knoll
exposed to the wind
overlooking the sea

seated alone
on a bench
in silhouette against
the setting sun
and fading light

how desolate an image
u presented
with ur back to me
long brown hair bouncing
on the offshore wind

u couldn’t sense my presence
as u once could
our minds once linked
we could converse without
the need to articulate

u are lost to me now
deep in thought or sculptured
into the seascape i know
not which

a haunting
isolation so unlike
the gregarious person
u once were
confronts me now

i could feel ur profound
and powerful solitude
strong enough to resist
any urge i had to say, “hello,
how have u been?"

ur form conquered the entire
scene, alluring, more powerful
in ur solitude than
in company

i never figured why u left
yet u seem strangely assured
a woman alone and comfortable
in her solitude,
a rarity these days

stay strong
stay well
my lost love

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-399.html