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Perfection is Incapable of Creating Imperfection
by jax Saturday, Feb 2 2013, 11:08am
international / prose / post

The title refers to a game of logic I used to play on my religious teachers while I was attending high school. I would put it to them in the form of a question and then refer to the world outside and social history, which is to put it mildly, imperfect to the point of psychopathology.

My theology teachers had no sensible or rational explanation about how a perfect God could create such an imperfect world unless of course God is also imperfect.

I used to derive great pleasure in nailing and ridiculing educated adults as a teenager; I was unconsciously demonstrating that any person that wished to rule over another had better prove themselves superior, which of course my teachers and parents couldn’t do. However, I was ‘rewarded’ for my abilities, I was singled out labelled a rebellious trouble maker and physically caned and thrashed -- on one occasion a frustrated male homosexual English teacher physically attacked me with closed fists -- I was still in junior high but the next time I was sent to the master’s office, and he reached for his cane with glee, I involuntarily but passionately blurted that if he dared use that cane (an implement of torture) on me again I would wrap it around his head! I had had enough corporal punishment to last ten high school lifetimes. The master could clearly see I meant it and declined the usual whipping in favour of detention.

I learned very early in life that morons and inadequates resort to violence, coercion and brutality as a means of asserting authority or gaining what is desired. Of course educational institutions are merely microcosms of the broader social and cultural context, so it should come as no surprise that the nation with the biggest stick, America, is using it. Inadequate morons with big sticks will use them until they are opposed or threatened in turn.

The same rule applies in a real world scenario; if a bully wishes to lord over others then he must constantly prove that he is able to do so.

Now consider how the State treated an exceptional student with high grades and you shouldn’t be surprised that so many exceptional people oppose primitive and brutal regimes/nations. I would add that America is proving itself incapable of maintaining control over the territories it is directly or indirectly ‘occupying.’ Clearly, it’s all down hill from here and it’s nice to know that the tireless efforts of those that oppose brutes are not in vain, all indications are that victory is assured.

O, I almost forgot, the correct answer to the question I taunted my theology teachers with: of course perfection cannot admit or create imperfection, the answer is simple, the 'imperfections’ are illusory and the result of perceptual and intellectual limitations, for example: the Buddhist world view sees the so-called ‘imperfections’ as evolving/developing patterns of energy moving toward final perfection. It’s simply a matter of a broader view, which tragically none of the myopic Abrahamic religions are able to provide.

Americans are such inept dunces it’s a miracle they got this far. Their ideology is its own limiting/defeating factor, we need only assist the natural flow of things to see it come to an abrupt end.

audio Blue Tail Fly - Andrews Sisters & Burl Ives

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-383.html