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Pilger's 'The War You Don't See'
by dasha Thursday, Jan 31 2013, 10:12pm
international / prose / post

This excellent, must see, doco has been comprehensively removed from Google's youtube -- typical -- we can always count on Google to censor and make every effort to deprive the masses of accurate alternative views and news. It will remain on this site for download and dissemination unless John Pilger himself requests that it is taken down -- I'm sure that many citizens impressed with the revealing content and measured approach of this documentary will support John by purchasing a copy. That said we would make an emphatic statement regarding copyright, as we are all writers on this site. The creator of the 'text' -- which includes image and sound -- is the sole copyright holder of his/her creation/production above all other considerations and claims by third parties.

We also note that high quality productions that accurately expose ruling plutocrats as the criminals they are and highlight the relationship they have with mega-media corporations are invariably backgrounded or overtly suppressed. We strongly adhere to the Biblical adage that the TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE and under no circumstances will we compromise that ARTICLE OF FAITH!

Furthermore, we urge everyone to download this video and ensure that it is widely seen and never suppressed -- it just about 'nails it' for our time.

Now a final word on TRUTH. For truth to set you FREE it must not be worn as an adornment or viewed as an ornament, it must be embraced and integrated into consciousness where it will find fertile ground and propagate. You see, FREEDOM is process -- it is never bestowed it is won/achieved!

[Left click movie link to PLAY (should begin within approx. 1 minute) OR right click for DOWNLOAD options (save as default Mp4 file). The file is 196mg and will take a little time to download.]

video The War You Don't See - John Pilger

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-378.html