Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

The Answer and Solution to Everything
by suzie Tuesday, Jan 15 2013, 9:38pm
international / prose / post

Watch the video below, if I attempt to introduce it you won't believe me so believe what you see and KNOW -- it is the answer, it ALWAYS was and always will be:

LOVE is the answer to all human social ills and problems -- it always was and always will be. There are no exceptions to this universal law/rule -- NONE!

Now take another look at our political leaders and the fear mongering tactics the corporate media constantly employs to lie, deceive, wage war, murder, destroy and spread evil and hatred everywhere -- need I suggest what we should do about removing the evil, hateful and divisive influences from our respective societies? Vote them into oblivion. If they resist the majority will of the people, simply remove them from power by MAJORITY demand and peaceful, UNCOMPROMISING, persistent action on our political capitals.

Love and peace are able to displace hate, fear and destruction if we refuse to subscribe to the hatred and division our leaders and other vested interests preach.


[Share this message with friends and disseminate to every other human being you are able to reach.]

audio Love - John Lennon

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-346.html