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The Alice in Wonderland Trial of Bradley Manning continues
by suzie Tuesday, Jan 8 2013, 10:56pm
international / prose / post

The absurdist trial of a criminally accused Pentagon against accuser, Bradley Manning, proceeds in characteristic lunatic fashion. Manning allegedly revealed US military war crimes to the world; so in characteristic 'Red Queen' fashion, the criminal accused is holding the moral accuser on trial! It seems that few Americans are able to see the searing absurdity and this national scandal and moral tragedy.

The military commission 'judge' presiding over the Manning trial confirmed Manning was ill-treated (tortured) during his pre-trial detention, but she has not sought to investigate or pursue those responsible or exonerate Manning for breaches to the legal process and his human rights. Instead all charges against Manning will be pursued, though a slight reduction of 112 days, in the clearly pre-determined outcome, has been granted. What a thorough circus and stain on America this 'trial' is!

I would state the obvious to all but American doodle dandy dunces: reporting war crimes is NOT a crime, it is a DUTY and the accused US military should be on trial not the brave accuser, Bradley Manning; but in the land of make believe whatever CFR plutocrats dictate, inversions of reason, morals, values and logic are profound.

Fortunately a sane world is able to witness and record the utter insanity that grips the American nation and its people today - America is demonstrating to the WORLD that it's a FAILED social system with a perverse failed ideology -- plain to see!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-336.html