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Washington Doormat Juliar Gillard Dutifully Reviews Oz Terror Laws
by jayjay Thursday, Aug 9 2012, 12:20am
international / prose / post

Reviled Oz PM but faithful servant to minority power elites in Washington and Transnational Corporate boardrooms, Juliar Gillard, has once again jumped to the beck and call of her masters. This time it relates to social oppression and introducing draconian laws and other measures to contain Oz citizens, as there are no 'terrorists' to speak of outside the continuing REAL murdering habits of the USA, NATO and those who serve their criminal policies.


The absurdity of the new proposals -- 'preventative detention,' straight out of mind reading movies; and 'stop-question-and-search powers' for police, which are straight out of Nazi Germany, Stalin's Russia and other totalitarian States, defy REASON. However, we are sure, based on existing evidence, that these 'proposals' will soon be dutifully passed into law by a bunch of handpicked compliant, lackeys -- notwithstanding the FACT that John Howard and some of his senior ministers remain at large with the blood of millions of civilians on their hands. Such are the consequences of complying with the world's leading civilian killing criminal State, AMERICA!

Who could forget all the UNSUBSTANTIATED LIES of WMD, mobile anthrax labs, aluminium tubing for nuclear bombs etc -- bullshit, the lot of it, without a shred of real evidence -=- yet the coalition of willing criminals, Blair, Bush and Howard pushed on regardless, the result is now history; ONE million civilian deaths, FOUR million displaced persons and a ruined State, which is Iraq today! It's enough to make you want to ENFORCE EXISTING LAWS, you tragic SERVILE, political dunces. You will all be hanging from light poles for TREASON and other crimes against humanity, soon enough, of that outcome be assured. This is Australia, just who do you idiots think you are kidding?


PDF Document Government discussion paper

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-33.html