The FBI, Banks and Occupy - Stating the Obvious as 'News'
by jan Tuesday, Jan 1 2013, 11:02am
international /
prose /
(Corporatists are also behind ALL the wars America wages -- ya kiddin' me!)
The US alternative media is in a righteous buzz 'now' that it's been (conveniently) revealed that Corporatists, Bankers, the FBI and other State regulators worked closely together to destroy the ‘strawman’ OWS movement, which they originally created to flush out dissidents and make a violent propaganda statement. FBI documents obtained under FOI are 'revealing' though they have been "heavily redacted," that adds credulity to an otherwise absurd revelation of the obvious, but only in (lobotomised) America.
Notwithstanding that OTPOR/CANVAS was the primary planning force behind the 'spontaneous,' heavily publicised OWS 'movement;' that didn't ‘move,’ in fact it couldn't even 'Occupy Wall Street' -- it should never be forgotten that nothing receives international 'news' (propaganda) coverage unless it is approved by the CFR/Corporate mass media.
OTPOR or CANVAS is in the Revolution BUSINESS and their largest client to date is Washington! So it was very important they create a 'movement' that had no agenda, coherent strategy, consistent direction or organisational structure -- all of which happen to be the most important aspects of any successful movement or organisation! It took Occupy clowns hours to order lunch, as they were too scared to commit themselves to anything -- well done, OTPOR!
So we were dealing with an ineffective, PASSIVE, useful idiot, 'straw man' protest movement from the start, as distinct from the other successful colour revolutions/protest movements OTPOR fomented in numerous Slavic nations, the Middle East and North Africa -- Washington wanted real change in those nations!
THINK for a minute, no agenda, just an appealing 'catchy' name, 'Occupy Wall Street.' Mass media propulsion soon followed which catapulted this 'movement' all over the world but only for a very brief (useful to regulators) period -- how on earth was this movement supposed to achieve anything without an agenda or coherent STRATEGY? But that didn't occur to the GULLIBLE clowns that flocked to this mindless con, which included leftist intellectual and commentator, Mr Chris Hedges!
Now feast your eyes on the latest 'revelation' relating to its demise, especially the opening melodramatic, B-movie script paragraph, written by 'alternative' writer, social commentator and cuntologist, Naomi Wolf -- but please stay focused:
"It was more sophisticated than we had imagined: new documents show that the violent crackdown on Occupy last fall – so mystifying at the time – was not just coordinated at the level of the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and local police. The crackdown, which involved, as you may recall, violent arrests, group disruption, canister missiles to the skulls of protesters, people held in handcuffs so tight they were injured, people held in bondage till they were forced to wet or soil themselves – was coordinated with the big banks themselves."