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We came, we coagulated, we Died!
by Karen DeYoung via justin - Washington Post Monday, Dec 31 2012, 10:40am
international / prose / post

Leading American psychopath Hillary Clinton has apparently developed a blood clot to the brain after a fall triggered by dehydration. Though I personally wish no direct harm to this ignorant, psychopathic, murdering bitch, I would refer to immutable universal laws of which Clinton and her ilk are entirely unaware. No-one gets out until every 'jot and tittle' is accounted for and the 'slate' is clean.


So we all must deal with the predicaments we find ourselves in as universal law is not mocked or disregarded.

The clowns that rule western democracies today have all the awareness of gnats, they foolishly believe that their evil machinations and murderous thieving actions carry no cost to them personally -- O, Lord, don't let me be misunderstood, as nothing could be further from the truth!

Even before I pickled up my pen to combat this evil filth -- as countless scribes have done before me -- I knew with complete certainty and conviction that FINAL victory was ours.

Truth always prevails in the end -- the universe does not run on lies and perversities!

Indeed, these laws have been referred to in the past by social reformers, East and West, most notably Buddha and Christ. The concept of Karma and 'reaping what we sow,' are known and understood instinctively by the masses, yet the supreme arrogance of ruling elites blinds them to these laws until they are brought to heel, as all reprobates and transgressors are!

So it is with more than a passing interest that we follow Clinton's karmic health issue -- may she get exactly what she deserves -- now and in the future!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-324.html