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The Uselessness of the ‘ME’ Generations
by stella Saturday, Dec 30 2017, 12:40am
international / prose / post

It should be no surprise that spoilt rotten generations, focused primarily on themselves, cannot establish real social relationships, that is, talking and interacting with others outside familiar niches.

Essentially isolated, these indulged generations DESPERATELY seek approval and recognition from their peers, which approval, and disapproval, is principally driven by digital mediums designed to reinforce alienation by their very nature, as clearly there is no substitute for face-to-face real relationships. Furthermore, these generations cannot cope with the real world and all its problems, for which their lack of social integration (inability) has failed to provide solutions; unable, they shrink from these confrontations hence they are easily enslaved by mediums that offer a quick ‘feel good’ fix and I use the term 'fix' in the heroin addict's sense, as millennials are digital junkies, dependent not on real relationships but insentient technologies.

Harsh realities in real life present huge problems for the ‘entitled’ (spoilt) generations, entitled because they have been shielded and spoilt rotten by insecure pathologically dependent parents that cannot face their children growing up to be independent mature, CAPABLE adults and so unconsciously or consciously they create dependent, indulged offspring, which they pander to.

Developed western societies have therefore lost the ability to successfully evolve; nations are now plundering other nations for the human resources they require as their local unequipped populations fail to support their own cultures/societies adequately. The young of less ideologically/digitally polluted nations are offered huge amounts of money to work for (US) corporations in leading developed nations, leaving of course their own societies less able, as the cream of the crop are lured by incentives in the form of much larger wages. However, it becomes clear that this parasitic/vampiric plunder of human beings has a very short life expectancy as the plague that originally infected ‘leading developed’ nations spreads to those nations that are now plundered for their human resources -- if this formula persists everyone eventually loses, as logic and deductive reasoning would indicate.

And so, does a sustainable solution exist for clearly failing, technologically developed but socially retarded western societies? Indeed, solutions always exist but everyone is looking for the quick fix, especially millennials in whose hands the future belongs. And can you imagine the incoherence and failed societies to come? I shudder at the thought, surely our inherent and recorded knowledge clearly indicates that humans are a social species and have ascended to dominance via social cooperation for the good of all, not ‘ME’ alone, which requires establishing mutually beneficial partnerships with others, yet millennials seek exclusive benefits as their focus is not on the group but on themselves, clearly an unsustainable course, as their suicide and failure rate indicates.

However, the viable solution which should be obvious to all, as it has been proven by evolution and human history, is forfeited to morbid self-seeking, selfishness and exploitation, all of which are essentially counter-productive pursuits (for large groups/societies).

It becomes irrefutable that societal and indeed personal success depends on mutual aid and cooperation, a weak physical species must cooperate rather than exploit as exploitation weakens the social fabric of all societies.

The current problems that millennials represent to overall survival would take two or three generations to solve; (re)focusing on the WE rather than ME takes time to re-establish, and again millennials are totally unequipped to think in terms of ‘WE’ they have almost no regard for the other, which extends now to cognitive levels as digital technologies have re-wired their brains and patterns of thought.

Now the alternative, unpleasant, viable solution.

If we pit natural forces against technological forces the victor is ALWAYS nature as it has infinite energy and time at its disposal. If humanity is not forced or fails to adjust and solve the challenges of the real world of its own accord then nature, as always, would and will intervene.

The current social paradigm creates not only un-viable generations but unsustainable ecosystems, pollution produced by corporate self-seeking and exploitation tips the natural cycles and therefore creates huge changes in conditions, which a socially failed, alienated species would be forced to confront. Indeed, the pressure these consequential natural challenges would create would either force the issue (of survival) or see the species become extinct, such is the grievous nature of the disruptions that ‘ME’ self-seeking has created and continues to create.

One need not be a prophet to add 2+2; viewed from any perspective the current perverse situation paints a very BLEAK future. Humans must once again learn how to survive as a species/group or die an ignominious lonely (alone) death. The Truth is that we ARE the other, and the sooner we work together for the benefit of ALL, the better chances we would have in the future.

Now, it should be noted that all the above described unsustainable and life-defeating characteristics/behaviours are personified in the current leader of the world’s most technologically developed nation, and that clearly is no coincidence. So I would expect that if humanity would seek to survive in a tenable world, clearly sick perverse entities and the poisonous organisations and policies they create MUST be eliminated and ERADICATED from the face of the earth and the minds of subjects, though I do not expect a clearly failed, socially incapable generation to mount any sort of remedial action, as they lack the essential skills and basic social requirements to do so. And so it goes ...

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