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Trace/Source Culture and its Perversions then Rectify
by cyd Friday, Dec 1 2017, 9:27pm
international / prose / post

The US population is aghast at Trump’s clearly partial tax ‘reforms’ which clearly favour the wealthy elite and burden the already underprivileged poor, as though this cruel behaviour is a surprise. It isn’t.

America was settled first by religious extremists and maintains a fundamentalist biblical view of reality to this day. It matters not whether people believe or subscribe to Judaeo-Christian values as they have unmistakably shaped American culture; note an erroneous statement purportedly made by Jesus Christ (scribes more likely) in Matthew 26:11:

“For you always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me.” [ESV]

Interesting statement to say the least, as it’s utterly false. Consider first that ‘God’ is supposedly Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent; that is, all knowing, saturating existence and all powerful. So it stands to reason that Jesus here is defining himself as a man subject to the impermanence of mortal existence; FURTHERMORE, remember ‘all knowing,’ he makes an erroneous statement that ‘the poor will always be present in society,’ absolutely incorrect as today from the works of numerous anthropologists we know that traditional societies do not have an underprivileged underclass, if one person starved the entire village/tribe starved as these cultures were devoid of wealth status/stratification though certain hierarchies existed but not wealth based. This is particularly evident among Australian indigenous groups and Eskimo (Inuit) societies among thousands more traditional societies across the globe. So again, it stands to logic and reason that Jesus was NOT all knowing as he should have known that “the poor” were not a natural feature of societies.

But this is not a religious debate, I could careless for this type of argument, it is cultural ANALYSIS tracing the origins of cultural behaviours and clearly the abuse of the poor and indulgence of the rich is a particular feature of the Abrahamic tradition/ideology.

And so wealth disparities and class stratification (Marx, a Jew) are easily explained as this superimposed ‘knowledge/understanding' has become a given in Abrahamic cultures, more so subliminally today than ever before, and of course the original perversion persists, which Matthew 26:11 highlights.

So Bible bashing America has been formulated by erroneous, inculcated, perverse beliefs/conditions which are imposed on the masses via the process of socialisation and this process of course would continue if a new paradigm is not formulated and offered to society to remedy/eradicate a clearly unjust, unfair system, thank you Jesus, for promulgating social slavery.

So to America and the western world, either question all givens or continue to suffer if you must, though breaking the mental and social bonds of inculcated slavery would seem to be the preferred option -- free yourselves, as it’s all a matter of increased AWARENESS and free CHOICE; and never underestimate the power of myth, the effects of which are self-evident TODAY.

All religions and belief systems are man made/written fictions if the truth be known.

So there ya go dummy slaves, do ur beedin’ best or continue to suffer like the whipped dogs you currently are.

And last but not least, commentators and journalists that should know better, get an education, as you are clearly part of the problem. I was taught in a journalism major that it is the task/duty of all journalists to increase social awareness and challenge ALL givens.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-3028.html