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Assassination Nation and the Obscenity of a 'Kill List' President
by judd Monday, Aug 6 2012, 12:19am
international / prose / post

This is one of the few posts where the title carries the entire story/import. Confronting the full implications of the slow but sure degeneration and social decline of the USA, which was once the torch-bearer of freedom and democracy to what it sadly is today, a mafia state whose leader boasts an extra-judicial hit list and murders anyone he chooses, is just too much to bear for most Americans so they resort to denial, 'justification' (American exceptionalism) and cultural psychopathology.

The nation has become a brazen criminal state with a cocky, murdering, pathological, homosexual President in the White House who clearly is devoid of the slightest concern for the gross illegality of his homicidal acts and the moral consequences those acts have on American society at large -- readers will note the increased incidences of crazed gunmen now wreaking havoc across the USA; and YOU thought that descent into gangsterism came without a social cost or price tag.

Well, next time it could be you or one of your loved ones in the cross-hairs of another good American citizen that follows the example of his civilian killing leader.

I need not continue, even insular moron Americans couldn't miss the point this time.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-30.html