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The ‘Washington Swamp,’ a Cesspool of Anti-Democratic, Totalitarian, Mass Murdering Monsters
by des Friday, Nov 3 2017, 10:22pm
international / prose / post

When Trump promised to drain the Washington swamp he struck a chord with the population and world, which was/is all too well aware of its nature, given the past two horrendous decades of illegal military interventions and oppressive, totalitarian social rule.

However, as we all are aware, instead of draining the swamp, Trump became one of its most loathed creatures; deferring his presidential prerogatives to the military and following the evil, insane doctrines (permanent war) of the neocons, these two bodies comprise the utter slime and filth at the swamp’s bottom.

Consider if you would that the nature of the swamp is well known by everyone in the USA and most of the world, hence the chord Trump’s LIE struck with everyone; so the filth that infects the United states is NO SECRET, yet it persists and THRIVES because its clinging slime eventually overtakes every law-maker and leader in the nation, the green slime I refer to is of course the corrupting power of the greenback.

And so the means of the swamp’s power and influence are known, yet its life-blood remains un-assailed, and if attacked it produces more of this venom to vanquish by indirect means any opposition that threatens it. Yet the swamp is easily de-fanged making it impossible to inject its poisonous venom.

Remember the much extolled virtues of EQUALITY, LIBERTY and FRATERNITY upon which principles most, if not all, democratic nations are supposedly built. Yet we see no evidence of these qualities in our daily lives, simply because they do NOT EXIST, these were/are the first casualties of the clinging swamp slime that infects all governments and leaders of the recent past and present -- democracy is particularly vulnerable to this form of toxic filth.

So if we take stock of the current REALITY, we see the most outrageous inequality today since the time of the Pharaohs and Roman Empire, but take note, both of which Empires fell to the onslaughts and REVOLTS of slaves and ‘barbarians’ whose wily survival powers neither Empire, led by 'God-Kings,' could manage. Indeed, the barbarians and slaves had nothing or very little to lose in comparison to the stolen wealth of ruling elites and that makes for a very powerful, passionate, ANGRY and UNRELENTING fighting force.

I need not continue as the future is as easy to read as the past, PEOPLE NOW KNOW the vile character of their despicable, avaricious, PIG rulers that exploit and delight in the suffering of average human beings, the rest is a matter of course or history repeating itself. Though it could do with some acceleration; however, sooner (preferable) or later we should already know the sure outcome.

Good luck VILE creatures of the swamp, your fate is SEALED, as you have learned nothing from the past; indeed, murderous, filthy, swamp monsters are noted for their lack of real intelligence -- remind you of anyone?

Trump is NOT the problem, the SWAMP is!

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Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2978.html