Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

by lex Thursday, Oct 19 2017, 10:59am
international / poetry / post

i walk ten miles every day searching for u

at times i feel ur presence near but yet so far --
i followed my intuition which led me to the sea,
following a path to the small beach
i see ur footprints in the wet sand
i could never mistake the delicate curves
u make in the soft sand

i delight in any sign of u
how near u were, how far u are,
as foaming waves
erase the impressions u made
but not my desire/need to locate u again

above, circling gulls cry
below, the murmur of waves,
within, the anguish of loss,
outside the hope of reaching u

yet i know i follow a hopeless course
which never leads me to the realisation
of my longing

how sad, how forlorn the desperate attempts
of a lover seeking his lost love

the sky moves, clouds remain motionless
my eyes water releasing tears in the sapphire blue,
where are u?

i glance at the shoreline and see ur footprints again
only to be erased again by the movement of the sea --
are u in body now or have u taken flight to the spirit realm
from where u make ur impressions in the sand and on my mind?

perhaps i am deluding myself,
u are gone yet ur presence has never left me

a sea hawk cuts across the sky leaving its impressions
that trail behind it like the blur of a wing

the shore no longer carries ur signature
a clean impressionless shoreline remains

dejected i look up and see ur footprints in the sky
and ur silhouette outlined against the clouds

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2947.html