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What Day Is It, America?
by bob Wednesday, Oct 11 2017, 10:14pm
international / prose / post

America today is a soft, though hardening by the day, dictatorship. We have a political buffoon as president maneuvered into position by an elite ruling class of bankers and corporatists, you see, narcissistic, personality flawed buffoons are useful and easily tamed by elites.


Now note how Trump has already deferred foreign policy matters to the Pentagon, the most inappropriate state entity for that purpose, that is why real democracies have civilian governments, to manage those that are trained specifically to kill (military) or exploit (commercial interests), make no bones about it. However, what is the worth of a civilian president if that president defers his presidential prerogatives to those most unsuited for the task?

Furthermore, ELECTED leaders are installed by the people to represent the people, NOT serve unrepresentative elite interests, it is the MAJORITY that should be served, not unrepresentative elite minorities. And that is the critical point, how many Americans today feel that the government serves THEM -- ha!

Democracy by definition is MAJORITY rule either directly or by representation -- and representatives are elected and installed into office to serve the majority, plain and simple; any deviation whatsoever is simply NOT democracy.

So today in America we have the freedom of the press under attack, by guess who, Trump is merely a puppet? The very last vestiges of an independent press are under attack because they DARE to challenge/question the misinformation of the dominant discourse, fictive narratives, formulated ‘news,’ and outrageous PROPAGANDA. Should we lose this Constitutional freedom/right, then North Korea hard dictatorship here we come.

Remember the recent outrageous display by useful lunatic AMERICAN president, Trump at the UN; Trump shamelessly threatened to annihilate the entire nation of North Korea, knowing full well that the 25 million CIVILIAN population are innocent of the dangerous antics of their ruling elite. This monstrous, psychopathic, CRIMINAL outburst -- which should have seen Trump arrested and incarcerated in a psychiatric institution, or at the very least hounded out of office by a sane, legitimate media -- is symptomatic of an emperor complex or megalomania.

So the problem of NO democracy/representation applies to North Korea and obviously also to America today, where the people have absolutely no voice and are excluded from serious decision making which affects the nation and their lives. The only political difference between both nations is that NK is a classic ‘hard’ dictatorship whereas, America, ruled by misinformation, LIES and propaganda, is a soft dictatorship, however, the means DO NOT justify the end, a self-willed, unrepresentative dictatorship is a DICTATORSHIP nevertheless.

We would also note historically that all public information systems in all dictatorships are controlled by nefarious, duplicitous, SELF-SERVING ruling elites; in America the media is controlled by media moguls that meet regularly at the CFR to discuss and develop more sophisticated means to dupe the public. People have no voice or say in the matter, in fact, fed a steady continuous diet of distorted information, lies and propaganda, the American people are not even aware of the realities of life and the world around them.

Note that ‘emperor’ Trump has been viciously attacking the free mass media and has now ordered an investigation, pending removal or containment, of independent external news sources. This type of containment/CENSORSHIP, only occurs in authoritarian oppressive dictatorships, so what’s the real difference between NK and the USA in that regard? Neither the North Korean population or the American public are able to obtain real news or accurate information easily. Of course numerous outside sources of information exist, but accessing such requires effort and becomes more risky (state monitoring) by the day. We should already know where Trump’s attacks on the independent, in other words not CFR controlled media, are headed, TOTAL CENSORSHIP, which is characteristic of all dictatorships.

Now we should ask the obvious question, who allowed the situation to plummet to such appalling depths of unrepresentative social control? Well, the answer has always been the same, the people, which are in essence the most powerful social force in any nation unless of course they forfeit their prerogatives and submit to authoritarian, despotic rule, which has occurred in North Korea (though the people had no choice) but without resistance in America. The former Soviet Union and its many satellite nations, particularly East Germany had, and NOTE, the most comprehensive civilian spying system of the time. Today however, that oppressive methodology of social containment/pan-surveillance is led by America, which nation leads the world in surveillance and PRIVACY INTRUSIONS.

So what does that fact alone indicate to you? America, by whatever means, is a DICTATORSHIP; voting in the USA is a charade as all elected leaders either serve elite forces or are eliminated and replaced by someone that toes the elite line.

Real democracy in the USA is as far away as it is in North Korea. Any nation that finds it necessary to spy on the entire population is CLEARLY an authoritarian State. And why do such nations develop huge surveillance apparatuses? The answer is again obvious, because they FEAR their populations to the extreme. And why do elites fear the people? Because they are acutely aware they exploit, enslave and abuse the ‘herd’ and if any opposition arises to elite rule they MUST nip it in the bud before FREEDOM from oppression becomes contagious.

So don’t kid yourselves my fellow enslaved Americans, we are ruled by nefarious, mass murdering, criminal elites that also manage information and surveillance systems via private and government institutions.

Surely, isn’t it about time WE took back our nation and restored representative, democratic government and dispensed with criminal elite rule? Either that or face living in a HARD dictatorship in the not too distant future, where of course, every person is merely an expendable, easily replaceable resource.


Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2930.html