Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Failure of Government is cause of ALL social/political failures
by quincey Tuesday, Dec 11 2012, 8:27pm
international / prose / post

Make absolutely NO MISTAKE -- responsibility for the economic collapse of 2008 can be traced directly to the failure of government to REGULATE and protect society; notwithstanding existing safeguards were removed by bought politicians serving their wealthy masters. After Bill Clinton and every US president thereafter sold their souls to the Corporatists and Plutocrats all social/political/economic FAILURES can be directly attributable to the failure of GOVERNMENT.

People mistakenly believe that 'big' government is the problem, not so, BOUGHT GOVERNMENT is the Problem. It is better to have no government than have governments serving minority elites. Either vote for REPRESENTATIVE politicians or remove ALL politicians from the face of the Earth!

ALL the wars waged over the past two decades have been waged in the interests of Corporate PROFITS -- the HORRENDOUS cost in innocent human lives mean absolutely nothing to singularly driven, amoral Corporate forces.

Proof of the above is plentiful and freely available in the public domain. Wake up WORLD!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-292.html