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Bradley Manning voted (Guardian) 'Person of Year' by International Readers
by ray Monday, Dec 10 2012, 10:16am
international / prose / post

Another case of the WORLD seeing and America inverting and denying. In an overwhelming victory readers of the UK Guardian voted human rights whistle-blower and prisoner of conscience, Bradley Manning, person of the year for 2012.

The editorial team at Jungle Drum Newswire wish to congratulate Brad and confirm their ongoing support. His landslide win is well deserved and the increasing recognition his brave fight for justice is attracting is but an early indication of a new wave of aware consciousness sweeping the globe.


We also take this opportunity to express our admiration for Bradley's awe-inspiring David and Goliath struggle against the most powerful criminal elements the world has ever seen; and as the Biblical tale highlights we also anticipate final VICTORY.

It seems the mass murdering criminal American ruling elite has encountered its nemesis in the form of an exceptionally brave and resolute homosexual soldier with an acute sense of duty and strong desire to serve humanity. God speed to you, Bradley Manning -- we salute you!

As for the criminal Pentagon and the Corporatist forces that commandeer it -- read this and choke, your days of crime and murder are coming to a swift end -- take note all lackey US allies!

Story from the Digital Journal follows:

The Guardian 'Person of the Year 2012' is Bradley Manning
by Anne Sewell

Each year the Guardian's editors and readers nominate and vote for the person they consider to be most important and a headline-maker for the year. This year the winners were Bradley Manning, followed by Malala Yousafzai.

In response to suggestions and ideas by their editors and staff, The Guardian asked their readers to nominate their Person of the Year for 2012.

Suggestions included everything from scientific and Olympic heroes to whistleblowers, and even included other celebrities like Psy, composer and performer of Gangnam Style.

The most popular nominations were as follows:

Malala Yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai, promoter of education for girls in Pakistan, recently shot in the head by the Taliban and surviving the experience. Suggested by global development editor, Lucy Lamble:

"I would nominate Malala Yousafzai, for the simple reason that she is fighting for education for all, which is the first step on universal progress. Her bravery really is incredible, as are her family."

Bradley Manning

Nominated by a reader, mhenri, Manning, who is in military prison and undergoing pretrial hearings for the release of classified documents to WikiLeaks, including the "Collateral Murder" video, showing civilians and Reuters journalists cut down by the US Military:

"Bradley Manning, who after blowing a very necessary whistle, has survived yet another year of cruel and unusual pretrial punishment at the hand of the US military, which was designed to break him psychologically...."

Pussy Riot

The feminist punk rock collective, Pussy Riot, was nominated by reader stuv. Arrested for staging a performance on the soleas of Moscow's Cathedral of Christ the Savior:

"Pussy Riot AND Yousafzai because they both resisted totalitarianism and both paid a price for so doing. And because totalitarianism of whatever variety is the greatest threat to all our hopes for health and happiness in this 21stC."

Danny Boyle

Culture editor, Alex Needham, and reader, Mary2006, nominated Danny Boyle, who staged the Olympic opening ceremony in London 2012:

"For me it has to be Danny Boyle - for defining Britain in a way I recognised and could celebrate and be proud of. It was a glorious moment amidst all that nonsense about monarchy. It set the tone for people who didn't expect to engage with the Olympics to feel as though it actually did have something for them after all."

Fabiola Gianotti

Science correspondent, Ian Sample, as well as reader badbadthepirate and studentgrant75, nominated CERN's Fabiola Gianotti, the woman hunting the Higgs Boson:

"Simply put; in such politically tense times where nations are divided and our young uphold the superficial and vapid as celebrity, we need to embrace and endorse the unifying power of science to better our lives and answer questions bigger than "How good do I look?" or "How fast can I run".

Nate Silver

Nominated by SonOfTheDesert, Nathaniel Read "Nate" Silver is an American statistician, sabermetrician, psephologist, and writer:

"I'm going to say Nate Silver. Not just because he was right, and kept being right despite a string of ludicrous attacks - although that was both laudable and deeply amusing - but also because he represents the importance of sticking to science and mathematics and evidence in the face of an ever-growing barrage of nonsense and abuse from those who wish to impose their own groundless beliefs."

The results of the poll show that 24-year-old former US Army intelligence analyst, Bradley Manning, came a resounding first with 70%, followed by Malala Yousafzai at 22%.

© 2012 digitaljournal.com

Bradley Manning
Bradley Manning

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