Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

by rayn Sunday, Dec 9 2012, 12:00pm
international / poetry / post

(to sandie)

‘i was born to luv u,’

words that carry
the depth of my soul
the enduring commitment
of my heart,
i know no other way
but to luv

few know how to luv
and release themselves in its
infinite sea –
too busy pursuing
and gratifying transient
miss life’s
most valuable treasure

there is no greater tragedy
than to be human and deprive
urself of love

whether fear, greed or
narcissism prevent
self-sacrifice is irrelevant
if luv is shunned
one may as well not have been born

miserable beggars of the soul
beyond pity are those that reject life’s
most previous Gift

easily identified as perverse,
sick they are
devoid of luv
devoid of heart
devoid of soul

do not deceive urself,
u cannot luv and harm another
or lie and manipulate
or seek personal
gratification at another’s
expense if u are true to luv

luv embraces everything
and everyone unconditionally
it carries all
in its bosom

endless is its wonder
and continuous is its
no other way offers
total fulfilment

i loved you before creation
churned the ocean of existence,
before the cosmos
came into being

luv has overwhelmed me
no vestige of identity
nothing exists but luv
the entire universe
is transformed --
born to luv
created for luv

it was not chance
that brought us together,
‘i was born to luv

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-286.html