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‘Sticks and Stones ...’
by refo Friday, Aug 25 2017, 12:14am
international / prose / post

With the world teetering on nuclear warfare it is astonishing that the American mass media is pursuing freedom of speech issues relating to the overt racism of that nation. Racism in America is a given, the world is aware of it, which other nation would ignore the crimes of Iraq, Libya, Syria, which are parallel to Hitler’s Nazi atrocities -- “we came, we saw, he died,” (Clinton) or how about killing over 500,000 Iraqi infants and young children is worth the STOLEN barrel of oil (Albright) -- at least 1.5 million INNOCENT ‘Iraqi’ (Arab) men, women and children murdered by the US and tens of millions displaced, and you doodle dreamboats are concerned about petty “statue” racism in the South -- get a fuckin’ grip for Christ’s sake.

While you doodle dandies are focusing on your navels, nefarious US deep state forces -- the REAL enemy -- are preparing for nuclear war, hence the petty media distraction, and while we’re at it, why not more transgender toilets for parakeets -- LOL! Give the world a break you media-nose-ringed, vacuum-heads!

But to address freedom of speech, which is imperative to all freedom loving people living in REAL democracies, which expression includes outrageous verbal vilification -- now illegal in Oz and most western nations.

Now, try and remember your early days in the school playground when other children hurled verbal abuse, yes, “sticks and stones will break my bones BUT WORDS WILL NEVER HURT ME!!!” Now if children are able to master the art of immunity to verbal abuse what gives with American ‘ADULTS,’ which seem not to have the development of very young children? Indeed, you people are sick as can be, which is also verified by your leader, Trumple-thin-skin, a perfect pathological match/leader for an infantile, psychologically and morally STUNTED nation -- Trump suits you down to the ground, a pathologically flawed, impetuous, unstable, hyper-sensitive narcissist, which deranged idiot would lead you to utter destruction, socially and internationally, however, he is very useful to the deep state to which he is now 100% subservient -- ‘your’ leader, my arse!

You forget, dreamboats, you are dealing with a mature WORLD by comparison, and your unravelling military ‘superiority,’ now a myth, cannot help you -- another naval collision in the open seas, anyone? Or 30% missile target failures. Reality speaks plainly as always, and your American dreamworld is the last thing able to save you, so wake the fuck up! Accepting social responsibility, which is now beyond your reach, toddlers, and SAVING your nation are what you should be doing but of course I and the world know better, you Americans are INCAPABLE, as is your ridiculous, pea-brained leader who is merely a reflection of YOU, America!

Now take some real life advice from a person raised in one of the most racist nations on earth, Australia, which was once proud of its “white Australia” policy, instituted by the ‘progressive’ Labor Party, the same party that deregulated the banks and deferred policy decisions to plutocrats and corporatists -- ‘worker’s party, what a laugh.

Raised in an environment of total racist discrimination did no harm; now consider why. As a 9yo, I wasn’t served in shops to buy my school lunch by big ‘brave’ adult Aussie racists, though my father was French Canadian and my mother’s father settled in Australia in the very late 19th century, the only language I speak is Australian english as did both my parents though, my father spoke french and mother spoke he ancestral tongue. It didn’t matter, even though we were obviously Caucasian, though with dark eyes and hair, we were foreigners forever in this racist cesspool where school teachers openly vilified students from EUROPE that had lesser language skills, Greeks, Italians, Yugoslavs were all vilified and cruel ethnic jokes were common fare.

So what happened? NOT open social division but grit and determination prevailed, we would outdo the good for nothing racist Aussies, that had it too good and were therefore soft and blind to the opportunities this great island offered. And we did, all my cousins bar one, who represented Australia in international competitive sport, have degrees and have enjoyed professional careers; all are property owners, in fact my uncle with only a primary school education when he arrived from Europe in ‘55 with $10, accumulated $80 million in assets by simply exploiting what this great nation had to offer, he was a genius in business and real estate, so much for Anglo-Aussie FAILURES, which group whine today because they are unable to purchase a home.

Every immigrant generation after me, including vast numbers of Asians out-competed bludging, racist, white Aussies -- hilarious. But let’s not miss the POINT, we were all vilified and continue to be discriminated against though today it’s far more subtle, YET we overcame and actually made this nation if history and massive development are good measures of progress, yet we continue to be discriminated against.

The last vestiges of real Anglo-power are of course in government, which today requires SUBSERVIENT types, which condition is anathema to me and my historical, cultural background. The racists fear us today, all the ‘refos dagos, wogs and slant-eyes,’ and so they should, almost all have done very well in this country, which I love, though I must make an important distinction here, regional and rural Aussies are the hardworking, incredibly resilient salt of this nation, in which I have travelled extensively, as well as other international nations. And each time I return I see Australia’s future, a blood mix of races from almost everywhere. The racist Anglos are a dying breed, due to their lack of survival skills, determination and INTELLIGENCE, though some remain good rorters, learned from a convict past, and I always have an open ear to learning any new survival skills.

The result is that persecution/discrimination in the form of verbal abuse, FREE SPEECH, made me and other immigrants. None complain in my family in fact we truly pity the blue-eyed Anglo losers, which continue to have a voice in government in the form of Pauline ‘mental leper, overt racist’ Hanson, a minor version of Trump, and we wouldn’t be without her as she is a walking lesson to all mature, educated/skilled adults of whatever background.

Now compare the Australian racist, positive experience with today’s America -- LOL! Though you still have time to restore your nation, doodles, though the odds are against you, so use them to succeed, if you are able.

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