Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Americans, Defend the Constitution
by sam Saturday, Dec 8 2012, 10:00pm
international / prose / post

ALL Americans, regardless of ethnic background, race, religion or status are legally obliged to DEFEND the American Constitution from the many (commercial) forces that would subvert its sacred principles and undermine the many freedoms and liberties the people once enjoyed.

It is a matter of singular or united action/DEMAND -- the Constitution endows ALL Americans with legal AUTHORITY to protect the Republic from the forces that threaten it at home (Wall St) and abroad ('City' of London).

If any leader strays form its principles they must be swiftly corrected or dealt with if they persist. Indefinite detention laws without recourse to trial are not only a travesty to all freedom loving people everywhere, they are particularly heinous to the principles encoded in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

DEMAND that American leaders HONOR the sacred oath they take to uphold and protect the Constitution. Traitorous leaders of the past and present must be dealt with according to LAW -- the Constitution is not an object of ridicule to be demeaned; war criminal, George W Bush's infamous reference to it as a "piece of paper" will go down in the annals of infamy and Obama's extra-judicial 'assassination list' and indefinite detention 'laws' clearly constitute a KNOWING DIRECT violation of the Constitution and are an affront to the American people.

It is clear, if any person regardless of station or influence subverts or defies the Constitution that person immediately BECOMES liable to a death penalty -- if no other remedial means are available. The sacred documents upon which this nation was founded DEMAND it!

Freedom from all forms of TYRANNY -- economic, digital or physical are clearly implied. The CONSTITUTION must be defended otherwise the nation is lost to the criminal rogues and thieves that have always feared its LIBERTIES and lusted after its wealth and POWER!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-283.html