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The USA to ILLEGALLY Occupy Syria for Decades -- cop that Mr 'gutless' Putin!
by sal - Al Masdar News Friday, Aug 18 2017, 10:58pm
international / prose / post

It should first be stated that America's invasion and occupation of Syria is in clear breach of numerous international laws and conventions. However, laws are only written in books, it is clearly the responsibility of other powerful, law-abiding nations to enforce international laws. Russia's involvement in Syria is 100% legal and so the onus for correcting ongoing American crimes is clearly placed on Russia, its allies and the pathetic, corrupted, Hague courts.

Corrupt, chicken-shit Putin
Corrupt, chicken-shit Putin

However, it is also known that Putin is corrupt as the day is long, notwithstanding the obvious COWARDICE he has displayed to the world for decades, which include abandoning allies in their greatest time of need and needlessly stalling his highly successful military defences of Syria against bought proxy fighters. So what now Mr Putin, who some commentators believe is in Washington's deep state pockets?

If a track record means anything Putin will cave to ongoing, BRAZEN, U.S. CRIMES, notwithstanding the fact that Russia, China and the rest of the civilised, law abiding WORLD, have no need of the USA, which is unraveling from within as I write.

YOU are pathetic Mr Putin, as your behaviour clearly indicates, you need the USA like you need a hole in the head, which remains a distinct possibility at the hands of high ranking Russian patriots.


Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2825.html