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Remember Boston Lock-down? Charlottesville and More is Next the Perfect Excuse for a Police State
by louis Tuesday, Aug 15 2017, 2:39am
international / prose / post

Trump is proving to be very useful to the ruling/deep state elite; he is divisive, inflammatory, impetuous, violent, pea-brained and a coward, an excellent reflection of the American population. And so his extremist views strike a harmonious tone with violent, extremist, American fringe groups, which have recently emerged from the woodwork, such is their confidence in view of the new president and his appalling character, he’s one of us!

Well, it is easily appreciated that Trump would not be in office unless the elite allowed it, in fact they were responsible for Hillary’s demise, and they were responsible for Trump winning, not the Russians. And so Trump is serving a purpose otherwise he would have been deposed, nothing in the US is able to match the power and influence of the ruling elite or ‘Washington swamp’, which defeated Trump’s policies early-doors; however, with one notable exception, elites are terrified of united populations seeking justice and equality, so alienation, division, conflict are imperative for elite survival, the elite have always been terrified of the masses as historical accounts testify.

And so it’s not enough to have most liberties and freedoms removed by elites they now desire a ‘Boston solution’, to lock down the entire nation and we see the first indications of that in Charlottesville. You will note that very little pressure has been applied on the extremist groups responsible for the outrage in Virginia, and it will remain so, as this is only the first of many divisive attacks by various mobs.

And when mob violence becomes frequent, the deep state will strike with their para-military police AND the military and lock down the entire nation as they did in Boston city, which episode was a test to see if the people would tolerate such over-kill tactics in pursuit of one mortally wounded teenager, ludicrous!

The Boston lock-down was absurd to the extreme, YET cowardly, spineless, American slaves took it up the now familiar anal track, you chicken shits, you deserve everything that is coming and most especially you deserve puppet and coward Trump as your leader!

Good luck deep state, as much as we despise and oppose you and all other tyrants, credit where it’s due, the current setup is a stoke of genius, but of course we see it clearly that is why YOUR days are numbered, your demise will come from outside and inside in a planned, arranged and methodical manner, look forward to it.

Meanwhile, keep your stooge (Trump) barking his fascist bullshit so the world easily appreciates that America is the most dangerous, ROGUE, terrorist State the world must neutralise.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2820.html