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Stalin Knew His Shit
by drake Friday, Jul 28 2017, 9:40am
international / prose / post

First of all, there was NEVER a Russian revolution, it was a Rothschild’s revolution perpetrated on Russia by the Rothschild family of mega-bankers that had already gained control of the Bank of England via deception!

Lenin and Stalin
Lenin and Stalin

When the Rothschild’s attempted to impose a central bank under their control on the then Czar of Russia, the Czar quickly responded to the effect of, fuck off, or go jump in your greedy, Zionist lake.

The Rothschild’s were not used to rebuttals and so they promised to destroy the rule of Czarist Russia -- they almost succeeded.

Importing Lenin from Berlin in an armoured train carriage directly to Russia after the Zionist instigated revolt, funding Trotsky, who had married a Rothschild and had obtained funds from Zionist bankers in New York, it is easy to appreciate the reality rather than the ideological fantasy -- the entire ‘revolution’ was a planned conspiracy from beginning to end -- and the person that ended it was STALIN, yes, mass murdering, paranoid Joe. Paranoid Stalin ensured that any trace of the Zionist influence was literally obliterated, including bloody sell-out Trotsky, whose actual name was Lem Bronstein, give me a break you stupid fantasist Marxist-Leninist ideologues -- the entire episode was a planned Jewish conspiracy designed to subjugate Russia economically -- plain to see if you read the actual history of the sequence of events.

If mass murderer Stalin had not surgically removed every Zionist influence from the communist party Russia today would probably be the world’s most powerful nation. But paranoid, Asiatic Joe could not rest until he eliminated every possible connection to the Zionist intrigue, which he did, pursuing Trotsky to Mexico and having him assassinated -- and so ended all Rothschild and Zionist influence in Stalin’s Russia -- Meyer’s descendants are still fuming -- foiled again by Asiatic Slavs, who have always had a better measure of the Jews than any other national group, including Nazi Germany. Hitler, aware that Zionists had an economic strangle-hold on Germany went overboard murdering ignorant and powerless Jews while allowing elite Jewish industrialists and bankers to slip out of the country though their business enterprises were handed over to trusted Germans working for the original owners.

Now consider the massive problem, for the WORLD, that Zionist (Rothschild) Federal Reserve-controlled America poses. Only president Andrew Jackson openly declared the truth about the banker conspiracy and was promptly targeted by Jewish bankers for assassination.

Ever since, the Zionist hold on America tightens with each year that passes -- until we have modern America -- a FAKE democracy where puppets to the elites are presented as opposing candidates in the presidential race, merely to give the impression of choice, when in fact these candidates owe their candidacy to the same elite interests -- in other words ‘choice,’ my arse! The game was rigged decades past. The result of course is that the USA is a slave (police)state -- what’s the point of limitless money if you’re dead? The fear that grips ruling elites is tangible, even across oceans. Deep down the criminal elites KNOW their day will come.

Note the trouble Trump is having as president with EVERYTHING, to be expected, as his agenda and the Zionist/elite agenda do not mesh, especially regarding arch-enemy of the Rothschild’s, Russia. Though it is rumoured that Putin is in their pocket, which seems to be the case, judging by his actions and in-actions, which only make sense if Putin is thoroughly corrupted/owned.

However, let’s not forget Stalin’s proven, effective solution, are you reading this Mr ‘drain the swamp’ Trump? Stalin purged Russia of every last one of the Zionist conspirators and their cronies, and a few thousand more just to make sure. Take for example how Stalin eradicated elitist Russian military officers which belonged to the privileged class, he ordered that all suspect officers be taken to river barges where they were locked in and the barges scuttled, crude but effective. The point I am making, as is proven by Trump’s presidential paralysis, is that a nation-wide purge is required to effectively ‘drain the Washington swamp.’

I am not suggesting for a moment that murder should be employed, but the closest thing to it, which is total confiscation of ALL assets/funds and their removal from the face of all civilised societies forever, why kill when you can isolate and watch the bastards live in hopelessness, a fate they have subjected countless millions of innocent people to!

There’s no escaping the fact that it’s the only historically PROVEN effective way to remove the cancer that has entered into all the vital organs of the American nation, from the Federal Reserve to the mainstream media and everything in between.

Steve Bannon, now an outsider, was Trump’s closest adviser, he is acutely aware of what tactics are required to cleanse the American nation. However, coward Trump stalled and was subsequently overcome by the Zionists and their deep state, yet they are EXACTLY the same opposition forces that Russia had effectively dealt with time and again, AND we should never forget that Joe Stalin was a single player who trusted no-one, it pays to be paranoid, it seems -- I would gladly trade my Asperger’s syndrome for clinical paranoia. What would YOU trade for your FREEDOM from slavery?

If America would truly be free of economic slavery and criminal Wall Street mega-bankers it need only take a tip from history.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2789.html