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Gone to the Dogs
by reg Monday, Jul 10 2017, 10:50pm
international / prose / post

The most powerful social force on earth, THE GLOBAL MASSES, have allowed our world to go to the dogs. Climate disasters are happening as I write and it’s only just begun, when it ends, billions would have died from famine, climate refugee wars and the massive disruptions the masses have allowed to affect them. What it spells quite clearly is a suicidal human race; if the masses are unwilling to take responsible for their own lives and their planet then of course someone else will, as they have, this nefarious group is known as the global elite that enslaves slaves, a simple process as they control the means of slavery, money/finance -- and as founding Rothschild elitist once said, to paraphrase, ‘I care not which government gains office as long as I control the finances/economy of the nation' (Federal Reserve), which the Rothschild's have adeptly succeeded in doing via lies, trickery and fraud.

That Zionist family is worth $trillions and holds all western governments hostage. However, the weak link is money, an abstract commodity valued via the process of belief/sub-scription.

If you wish to change the enslaving, engineered debt status quo then withdraw support for what the elites consider valuable. That means all cash and precious commodities such a gold, silver etc. Value of any kind is ALWAYS attributed, it’s a social process of indoctrination, as clearly money is only worth the paper its printed on; WE invest value via SUB-SCRIPTION and how easy is it to withdraw that subscription and INVEST value in more important things like preserving a sustainable earth and establishing equality OVERNIGHT by eliminating money’s value, which value is in your head, not the paper it's printed on, all it takes is AGREEMENT and money becomes what it is in essence, toilet paper.

So tell me how difficult is it to reform your thoughts/values/priorities and ditch enslaving chains of money and hold the planet and its precious necessary GIFTS as the most valuable resource we have -- because they ARE, we all know it. Though wealthy minorities would insist otherwise and wage more wars to maintain the false value of essentially worthless money. But while the masses sub-scribe to its value by using it and accepting debt slavery, things cannot change. The result is that a tiny group determines the direction of all nations and human society, what a tragic circus!

Now think for a moment if you are capable of discriminative thought? We have allowed a minuscule bunch of avaricious, mass murdering (for profit) CRIMINALS to rule and determine the future of our lives and the planet. So let’s appreciate their handiwork, as it is daily reality. Perpetual wars (for the profit of the few) and the misery of millions, needless wars, debt slavery and climate tipped over the edge -- there will be hell to pay in the not too distant future, oceans are becoming acidic deserts, reefs are dying due to pollution and over fishing. Hell, it goes on and on.

Now consider how simple it is to reverse this process by simply asserting democracy -- majority rule -- and DEMANDING, not asking for CHANGE. And if our thoroughly corrupt puppet leaders are unable to realise positive, sustainable change then we remove them from office and determine our own future, never forget, nothing is able to resist the global and unified national masses.

So we must, if we wish to survive sustainably, confront reality and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for our lives, every child is forced to learn as much.

The lack of action from the masses is the cause of the current fiasco, nothing else, the masses through their deference have allowed minority elites to lord over all for no good reason. So today they own all major media/information systems, banks and mega-corporations which they utilise to enslave, herd and guide/contain the ignorant masses, and if you imagine ignorance is a defence, forget it, as I am not the only one on this planet that researches underlying realities, the TRUTH is available in the public domain and even on the media as daily perverse reality.

The American population sits back and watches ostracised Trump at the G20 and the penny doesn’t drop. Trump’s own administration openly criticises what he says -- what sort of non-leader is that and why is he tolerated by the American people? Answer: because the American people are the most enslaved population in the western world, they see reality daily but are so divided and alienated they are unable to act to restore their now completely hijacked democracy/nation, for Pete’s sake the president is contradicted daily by his own appointees and this idiot says he knows how to run a business. Imagine if a company allowed employees to overrule the CEO, because that is exactly what is occurring with the Trump presidency, and that gutless idiot calls himself a business man.

The open fact is, Trump is president of NOTHING, plain to see; yet the population sits back with their collective thumb up their collective arse and does nothing to either support or depose Trump, who is already inconsequential in international circles and in his own administration -- what a tragic, pathetic joke America has become and the WORLD knows it! And who is responsible in this instance, of course the paralysed American people, as are the masses of other exploited, hijacked nations.

I have researched history from the time it was first recorded in the ancient world and today’s situation is unprecedented in the history of ALL nations. Indeed, we are uniquely suicidal and uniquely incapable, as no other recorded society has ever tolerated such a brazen inversion of values and priorities. Ancient people were acutely aware of their essential needs/values and fought to preserve and improve them. Today however, the masses have allowed the entire world to go to the dogs -- so keep your accusations and blame games for yourselves, you useless, gutless, suicidal wonders.

No-one need be a gifted prophet today to divine the future, as it is plain to see and is written on every roll of toilet paper you wipe your arse with. If you were capable of shame you would never show your pathetic faces in the light again -- and be INFORMED, you deserve everything coming your way, more WARS and climate disasters, failed economies and RUINATION on every level, all because you refused to take responsibility for your lives.

Useless is as useless does -- which is NOTHING! I can hardly believe I belong to this failed species, which means if I can wake up so can YOU! It’s never too late to turn things around.

Have a nice enslaved, cowering day or shock yourself and take responsibility for your life and YOUR nation’s future.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2755.html