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Trump-Putin Peace deal for Syria -- No Chance
by cyd Monday, Jul 10 2017, 1:20am
international / prose / post

The question is whether or not these two puppet leaders are able to successfully stop the illegal 'regime change,' proxy war in Syria? The short accurate answer is, NO!

Anyone today that believes 'world leaders' actually lead anything would be sorely disappointed, as clearly they are puppets or pawns of deep state and global elite interests, which group has outlined a "perpetual war" doctrine for America -- peace if not achieved by the people of the WORLD, is a wet-dream, pure and simple. How many people are willing to wager on peace arranged by impotent puppets?

Prior to straining your media-washed brains, ask yourself why Putin has not demanded that America remove its illegal presence from Syria? Or why Putin, supported by international LAW, has never defensively launched his missile defence systems in Syria against ILLEGAL American, Israeli, and Turkish attacks to date? The answer is obvious, he like buffoon Trump leads NOTHING -- now watch Deep State RULERS subvert peace in Syria, as they have a lunatic agenda which they zealously adhere to -- and for those that are unaware of that agenda, it is perpetual war to achieve world hegemony -- do your own research you useless slobs and verify these facts for yourselves.

But that is not to say peace is not possible -- peace could only be achieved by the GLOBAL MASSES, and fat chance of enslaved populations achieving anything any time soon. Now sit back with your beer and potato chips (bread and circuses) and keep watching TV, you useless, cowering, slave, morons!

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Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2754.html