Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

The BIG Con
by jane Saturday, Jul 8 2017, 11:55pm
international / prose / post

First consider the FACT that all major western political parties are owned and serve elite interests NOT the people. Professional politicians are duplicitous LIARS, established fact; so WHY tolerate non-representation, inequity and injustice? That truly is the social question of our time.

As far back as history is recorded disgruntled masses pressed their leaders for fair treatment and got it, as leaders are acutely aware they MUST defer to a united front or lose their heads if they do not comply with the wishes of the people. We also note from history that all revolutions eventually fail because the masses, imagining they have succeeded, relax into apathy, unaware that REAL democracy is a participatory process; be aware that elites never fail to pursue their own interests to the exclusion of everyone else. So we KNOW we must persevere and hold our leaders to account at ALL times.

Take for instance the outrageous lies political candidates spew to gain office then backflip on every one of them, most notably, jailing criminal H. Clinton and draining the Washington swamp, which two fake promises helped Trump lie his way into office -- and he has the gaul to call others fake! Trump has already deferred his presidential responsibilities to the deep state, particularly the Pentagon.

Why sit back passively and take lies and duplicity from our leaders, these people are worse than ordinary criminals because they have the resources of an entire nation to commit their crimes, like ILLEGALLY invading and bombing Syria and intervening in numerous other nations which today have been reduced to failed states -- of what benefit to the people are these orchestrated wars of resource theft and appropriation, it is clear that only the global elite derive benefits? Innocent people are slaughtered and displaced in their millions in order for a tiny elite group to pursue profits at any cost to the planet and humanity -- I needn’t stress that elites are very sick, history verifies the fact.

It is also CLEAR that voting for either major party in any western nation is a fruitless pursuit as they both serve the same masters, differences are only cosmetic -- so why do we persist in this gross folly when outright DEMAND solves the problem, in other words we must force our leaders under threat of open revolt and associated legal action to adhere to their promises or face instant removal if they try the same old tired ruse again -- we need not wait for the next election, that is one of the biggest cons in the prevailing political system. Leaders remain in office only if they mean what they say or at the very least apologise and explain in detail why they have failed to honour a commitment. Brazen LIARS should never be tolerated in office for an instant!

Wealth disparity today is almost as great as it was in ancient, enslaved Egypt, surely we are aware that average workers build nations NOT paper-shuffling and media owning elites, so why tolerate such huge disparities and inequities. The 60‘s was the last generation to fight for their rights to the point of laying down their lives for the principles they believed in, social justice and the cessation of illegal wars, to name two major reasons the 60‘s is noted for social protests, marching on capitals and SUCCESSFUL social reforms, which have all been lost today.

Were the masses of the 60‘s somehow superior than the masses of today? No, they were social animals not alienated by the digital media, with its fake friends and likes, which mean nothing in real social terms, as is readily apparent. Indeed, every generation has its own peculiar challenges but they are easily overcome with a real community spirit, which is the essence of the species, we would not have survived without each other in our early history of total co-operation, where is that co-operation today? Destroyed by the elite designed media, draconian surveillance legislation and an oppressive police state, which NOBODY VOTED FOR! Why didn’t we VEHEMENTALLY oppose THE MEASURES THAT HAVE ROBBED THE ENTIRE WESTERN WORLD OF THEIR HARD WON FREEDOMS -- to ‘keep us safe’ from the ‘bogey (terrorist) man elites CREATED in order to implement their plan for police states and contained societies. The entire city of Boston was locked down for one wounded teenager -- absurd to the extreme YET Bostonians took this over the top Nazi measure up the arse, without a murmur!

I need not emphasize the fact that the spirit of freedom, liberty and justice is INNATE, it’s in our DNA as every race, group, people all fight for these rights and will continue to do so, hence the orchestrated slavery policies of the elite.

So now the cruncher, the most paralysing factor prohibiting the restoration of our democracies is FEAR, which is also inherent, but did it stop the 30's and 60‘s generations, not on your life -- you bet they were afraid fighting for their employment rights and social reforms, but they overcame their internal fears, united and fought their oppressors with a passion, and stopped a major war (Vietnam) and demanded the impeachment of a president in the process. A perfect historical example of the WILL to justice and freedom, though elites sent out the national guard and other uniformed regulators to kill protesters on orders from political puppets of the elites, who at the time were losing their age-old grip on the masses, which, tight grip has been re-established with a vengeance since that time -- elites learn so why don’t we?

Okay, most people abhor violence, its instinctive, we have to be brainwashed and trained to kill our own species. So is there a way to reduce violence to a minimum and gain our freedom?

Of course there is, by simply withdrawing support for the status quo, which serves the very few. Do not imagine that withdrawing support is a mere ideological response as it involves passive action, which is realised by detachment from the sick, grossly unfair system we all support today. WE work for elite interests NOW -- to support OUR interests and communities we must work for each other, NOT the slave masters and exploiters. We are able to do this by establishing alternative communities OR by forcing governments for more equitable outcomes EN MASSE, in other words massive nation-wide legal strikes, not just one or two industries but almost all industries, easily done as only a moderate percentage of workers that refuse to work is enough to cripple any company as they DEPEND on us, trained and skilled workers cannot be easily replaced, regardless of profession.

Hit the streets regularly and make it known that you reject inequity and orchestrated debt-slavery, banks lend on digital screens BUT you repay them with REAL money with your blood, sweat and tears, you invest your LABOUR to add value to otherwise worthless paper notes! Sound like a con to you? Of course it is, the privately owned Federal Reserve banking cartel prints money whenever it suits them, in other words they have a license, granted by fools/salves, to print money, which is essentially worthless unless you invest your labour and BELIEF to make an abstract commodity valuable, which the entire working world does daily. What a grand con it is, and yet the individuals responsible for this monumental SCAM number less than two thousand individuals world wide, while WE number billions world wide, make sense to you? We have been paralysed by elite owned lying media, inverted double speak and outright LIES -- plain to see.

Withdrawing your ideological SUBSCRIPTION to a LIE and your Labour is the surest way to topple any corrupt unfair system without a shot fired in anger though elites would call out the guard again but the guard are our relatives and need to be alerted to the ruse, we are not each others’ enemies we are the unified combined enemy of enslaving, mass murdering, criminal elites -- focus must be directed to that tiny group and their political puppets/servants only.

The number of highly trained disillusioned returned military personnel in our towns and cities today, that are strategically capable to drop any politician or elite psychopath, are enough alone to remedy the situation. WE actually have it ALL but we MUST not be subservient to poison ideologies, paralysing beliefs, brazen corporate exploiters and banker slave masters, unless of course we prefer our paper chains to FREEDOM, PEACE and the JOY of serving each other in mutually beneficial and sustainable societies.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2752.html