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The Intentionally Hidden Reality of Inequality and Inequity
by claire Wednesday, Jun 14 2017, 11:34pm
international / prose / post

While the elite’s mass media intentionally maintain cultural focus on irrelevancies like Trump or whatever, the world’s wealth gap CRISIS widens; just six individuals today own the equivalent wealth of the bottom half of the WORLD’S population -- I am talking about SIX (6) elitist pigs that continue to rabidly steal/plunder the wealth from EVERYONE’S rightful share. Oxfam has released its latest wealth comparisons supported by statistical research and it makes for very sobering reading -- pdf available below.

Of course it's both a game and a pathological addiction for elites, which have honed their skills over centuries. Give them 'bread and circuses' (ancient Rome) to DISTRACT from the affairs of the filthy rich elites.

Today the bread and circuses of the Colosseum translate to the mass media, which includes everything from music, film, ‘news’ to the internet, particularly social networking, which are in essence anti-social as they alienate.

Indeed, if the masses were presented daily with the dirty and criminal means by which elites steal from everyone, they would tear them to shreds and return their wealth to its rightful owners the people, and the elites know it. So on, on, on, goes the modern circus of distractions and CREATED threats like ‘terrorism,’ which are ALL designed to manage and contain the easily distracted masses.

We must ALL take responsibility for our weaknesses if we hope to restore justice and equality to our societies. And when we do, simple solutions present themselves, the simplest being using the same tactics, violence (needless wars for profit) that elites use against us. However, WE need not stoop so low, we simply and legally return all ill-gotten gain/wealth to our national coffers.

Consider the BILLIONS of souls now ripped off by SIX extremely sick men, absurd to the extreme. We need not even dwell on the methods used by elites to contain and exploit everyone, as CLEARLY the amount of wealth they possess has been accrued illegally by placing puppet politicians in office that legislate and remove regulations, which once protected nations from huge wealth disparities AND of course the needless illegal wars for profit elite’s wage to accumulate evermore wealth at the entire globe’s expense. We should now note from proof available in the public domain that all recent wars were/are based on LIES and transparent pretexts. However, it is WE that KILL EACH OTHER in these criminal wars for elite profits! Is it FINALLY time to take the realty pill, have we had enough yet?

I leave you to inform yourselves on this outrageous and easily SOLVED wealth disparity PROBLEM. Six individuals and their families have no chance whatsoever against an OVERWHELMING INFORMED MAJORITY today, plain to see.

Morbid Inequality: Now Just SIX Men Have as Much Wealth as Half the World's Population
by Paul Buchheit

Yes, inequality is getting worse every year. In early 2016 Oxfam reported that just 62 individuals had the same wealth as the bottom half of humanity. About a year later Oxfam reported that just 8 men had the same wealth as the world's bottom half. Based on the same methodology and data sources used by Oxfam, that number is now down to SIX (6.)

How to account for the dramatic increase in the most flagrant and perverse of extreme inequalities? Two well-documented reasons: (1) The poorest half (and more) of the world has continued to lose wealth; and (2) The VERY richest individuals -- especially the top thousand or so -- continue to add billions of dollars to their massive fortunes.

Inequality deniers and apologists say the Oxfam methodology is flawed, but they're missing the big picture. Whether it's 6 individuals or 62 or 1,000 doesn't really matter. The data from the Credit Suisse Global Wealth Databook (GWD) and the Forbes Billionaire List provide the best available tools to make it clear that inequality is extreme and pathological and getting worse every year.

How It's Gone from 62 to 6 in One Year

As of 02/17/17, the world's 6 richest individuals (all men) had $412 billion. Tables 2-4 and 3-4 of the 2016 GWD reveal that the poorest five deciles of the world population own just .16% of the $256 trillion in global wealth, or $410 billion. That latter figure is based on mid-2016 data, but since then the status of the bottom 50% has not improved, and has in fact likely worsened, as both global debt and global inequality have increased.

Just a year ago, on 03/01/16, the world's 6 richest men had $343 billion. They're the same men today, although slightly rearranged as they play "king of the hill": Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos, Amancio Ortega, Mark Zuckerberg, Carlos Slim Helu (with Larry Ellison jockeying for position). The wealth of these six men increased by $69 billion in just one year.

Only a year ago, according to the 2015 GWD, the poorest five deciles of the world population owned much more than today, close to $1.5 trillion. What happened? It's very clear: the world's richest 10% (mostly the richest 1%) gained nearly $4 trillion while every other segment of the global population lost wealth.

That's worth a second look. The world's total wealth is about $256 trillion, and in JUST ONE YEAR the richest 10% drained nearly $4 trillion away from the rest of civilization.

It's Not Just the Bottom Half: A 500-Seat Auditorium Could Hold As Much Wealth as 70% of the World's Population

According to the Forbes Billionaire List, the world's richest 500 individuals have $4.73 trillion in wealth. Tables 2-4 and 3-4 of the GWD reveal that the poorest seven deciles of the world population own just 1.86% of the $256 trillion in global wealth, or $4.76 trillion. That's over two-thirds of all the people on earth. That means 5,000,000,000 people -- FIVE BILLION people -- have, on average, and after debt is figured in, about a thousand dollars each in home and property and savings.

In the U.S., the Forbes 400 Own as Much as 3/5 of the American People

The bottom 60% of Americans, according to Table 6-5 in the GWD, own 3 percent of the nation's $85 trillion in total wealth, or $2.55 trillion. The Forbes 400 owned $2.4 trillion in October 2016, and that's been steadily increasing.

So as apologists like the National Review refer to "a growing upper-middle class" of people earning over $100,000 a year, they're inadvertently offering an explanation for the demise of the middle class: Some are moving up, way up; many others are dropping to the lower-middle-class or below. The once sizable and stable middle of America is splitting into two.

The Deniers Are Lurking

The Boston Globe's Jeff Jacoby calls the Oxfam analysis "irrelevant." Reuters contributor Felix Salmon calls it a "silly stat."

Jacoby's column includes some stunning assertions. He says, "Just as capitalism made it possible for Gates, Zuckerberg, and the others to reach the highest rung on the economic ladder, it is making it possible for billions of men and women to climb up from the lowest rung. Oxfam’s billionaires are richer than they used to be. So is almost everyone else." And he quotes writer Johan Norberg: "Poverty as we know it is disappearing from our planet."

Billions moving up? Almost everyone getting richer? Poverty disappearing?

While we keep hearing about the world "climbing out of poverty," much of the alleged improvement is due to rapid economic growth in China and creative math on the part of the UN. And yes, many Americans have negative wealth because of debt. A human being doesn't have to live in a third-world slum to be impoverished.

Yet as inequality ravages the American and world economies, denial grows right along with it. Cato's Michael Tanner suggests that "even if inequality were growing as fast as critics claim, it would not necessarily be a problem." George Will, of course, agrees. But like the other deniers, they all protest too much as they try to explain away reality.

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[Indeed, it is incumbent on the people to ensure that their elected governments regulate and close all tax loop holes allowing mega-corporations to shift profits to tax havens thereby avoiding their tax responsibility to the nations from which they extracted their huge profits.

Also, we note the author did not refer to the wealthiest family on earth that have their tentacles in every major money making enterprise world-wide, I refer to the Rothschilds which family has more wealth than all the above put together.

Our advice to the people is always, be AWARE and BEWARE -- these disparity problems are easily remedied with good representative government, however, as that is a rarity today, governments must be FORCED by popular DEMAND to take appropriate and NECESSARY action. If governments fail to heed popular demand then they MUST be forcefully removed.]

PDF Document Oxfam wealth disparity report

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