Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

Theresa May's Elitist Codswallop
by shirl Friday, Jun 9 2017, 12:55pm
international / prose / post

After the Queen's decision to grant Theresa May a minority government, May couldn't help herself, as she is a well trained failed elitist servant. She referred to the UK "moving forward" under her leadership -- which is yet another meaningless abstraction -- for example, place one foot ahead of the other, you have just moved 'forward' but have you got anywhere meaningful?

Indeed, open ended abstractions like 'moving forward' are MEANINGLESS, people would rather hear, improved housing, fairer outcomes, improved economic circumstances and other SPECIFICS, which mean something. But of course when you have no real or practical policies to offer the people, you say 'moving forward' -- ridiculous!

Conservatives will never learn, so why maintain support? As painful as it may seem, another (forced) election is warranted as May CLEARLY has nothing to offer the people but meaningless expressions.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2701.html