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Hell Hath No Fury Like a Fired FBI Director
by paladin Thursday, Jun 8 2017, 1:08pm
international / prose / post

Former FBI director James Comey sat before the SIC and cast so much doubt on Trump’s integrity that the survival of the president would seem to be in grave danger from today on.

Former FBI director, James Comey
Former FBI director, James Comey

Comey in essence opened the door to the impeachment process of besieged Donald Trump, of this there is no doubt; without using specifics, Comey delivered a massive body blow to Trump that could see him finally impeached after an excruciating and bloody legal battle, which would damage the nation so severely that that prospect may indeed be in Trump’s favor.

Comey repeatedly referred to the NATION in his testimony, purposefully avoiding partisan lines. Nevertheless, Comey’s actions to record ‘for his personal reference’ notes on every private meeting with Trump indicates something beyond simple record keeping for future reference; Comey in fact was clearly building a case to use against Trump in the event of his sacking -- and all this, much to the delight of Comey’s democrat and conservative supporters, which senators repeatedly praised Comey for his service -- the tone of the proceedings was clearly anti-Trump from beginning to end.

Indeed, Comey’s biased testimony portrayed Obama as a professional, acceptable president, almost in a hallowed sense, in contrast to the crass, politically inept Trump, which reality dictates is an absurdity in view of Obama's record, but Comey had a plan, which he wore on his sleeve.

The entire proceedings smacked of a concerted effort to topple Trump, which action would be legally fraught with all manner of hurdles. So it all depends on how much damage Trump’s opponents are willing to inflict on America, as Trump is now an unabashed servant of the deep state or elite, and it is they that rule, not their petty agency bureaucrats and political puppets on both sides of Congress. Which fact may also indicate that these compromising proceedings could be a means to manage Trump like an unruly dog on a very tight choke-chain leash.

It remains to be seen what eventuates after the committee retires as there is a long way to go before finality; but most assuredly this investigation will not go unnoticed by the entire world. The world and the American people may be witnessing a modern empire in its death throes. We shall see!

Comey’s testimony is easily sourced on Youtube for those interested in viewing the spectacle.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2698.html