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London: Too Many Coincidences and Consistencies
by james Monday, Jun 5 2017, 1:22am
international / prose / post

The concentration of ‘terror’ attacks immediately prior to a general election is in itself suspect, combine that with the politically opportunistic media speech candidate Theresa May gave after the latest London attack and we all have good cause to be extremely suspicious and keenly aware.

Elite lackey, Theresa May
Elite lackey, Theresa May

People in the mass media have already commented on the inappropriate and callous nature of the conservative candidate’s politicised speech, however, they have dismissed it as forgivable on the grounds that generally speaking, humans err; however, it is easily appreciated that these speeches are planned and heavily vetted by media consultants and a team of political advisors, so ‘forgivable,’ ‘an error of judgement,’ don’t be a sap -- May’s speech was well thought out and tailored for maximum effect regarding pursuing an old agenda, internet censorship and social containment, which elites have been pursuing unsuccessfully with child porn pretexts and other excuses for decades; you see, elite shadow rulers fear free speech, and the last bastion of free speech is the internet and so elites must safeguard their position of formulating and disseminating the dominant cultural narrative/discourse via THEIR media, and their only real opponent in this critical regard, is the INTERNET, hence it must be contained/CENSORED.

Social containment via ‘perception management’ is and has been for decades a priority for elites, and we should note they have been hugely successful in the USA, which is a hyper-contained police state today -- virtually no privacy for the unskilled technically and most social liberties which Americans once fought and died to achieve, have been forfeited. Clearly, the mettle of Americans today is a very far cry from the spirit of early American colonial settlers.

Secretly monitored, useful terrorist idiots, have also become a critical tool of the nefarious elite trade.

The terrorist threat is served to everyone for breakfast these days and it would soon become apparent to all -- if Theresa May is successful -- that UK society would undergo draconian, contractive social policies similar to America, which nation's 'regulators' were able to lock down an entire capital city while militarised police were given extraordinary powers to enter any premises, search and arrest those that refused to comply. However, as we know, Americans complied as usual as they are the most frightened western society that exists. And remember these outrageous total overkill measures were to ‘keep us safe’ from, in the case of Boston, one teenager and his brother, which standard police work could have handled far better than militarised police indiscriminately searching houses, because as is often the case, ‘useful idiot terrorists’ are usually apprehended from information supplied by citizens -- so much for locking down an entire city. BUT clearly it was a TEST to determine if the masses would comply with DRACONIAN measures, which is why America is viewed by the WORLD today as a cowardly nation that never fights with equals or those nations that could inflict an equal amount of damage to the USA should the USA take them on. However, the UK is NOT the gutless (proven) USA, OR IS IT? We shall see.

Should we ascribe these consistencies to coincidence, not a chance, and should we ascribe the implementation of a police state and further losses of privacy and liberties to ‘safety’ -- not likely, AS THESE TRANSPARENT ELITE STRATEGIES ARE ALL HISTORICALLY KNOWN AND HAVE BEEN OBSERVED FOR DECADES BY SPECIALIST ANALYSTS, ASTUTE POLITICAL COMMENTATORS and AWARE CITIZENS. So what’s really new? Answer: sweet fuck all, as the elite are nothing if not CONSISTENT.

Do we have an historical perspective NOW? Of course I do not expect the media lobotomised masses that receive a DAILY brain wash, rinse and ‘spin’ dry from the elite owned mass media to understand or accept one iota of the above.

As for the rest we KNOW the REAL enemy is within and their political puppets are before us daily reading from very revealing elite scripts.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2689.html