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US Secretary of Defense -- ‘it’s fun to shoot people!’
by sal Friday, Jun 2 2017, 6:54am
international / prose / post

James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis deserves his moniker, he very recently stated on the mass media that ‘civilian casualties are a fact of life in the current [perpetual war] situation’ -- well of course they are you moron, civilians ALWAYS pay the highest price in UNNECESSARY wars. America has killed directly and indirectly over six million civilians since, not including, the Vietnam war, which itself was a 'carpet bombing' -- four million innocents murdered -- slaughter-ground, which any primary school kid could tell you totals ten (10) fuckin’ million innocent, men, women and CHILDREN needlessly slaughtered in order for corporate interests to turn evermore profits for THEMSELVES, as clearly the American people NEVER benefit from perpetual corporate wars -- in FACT they die in retaliatory reprisals!

'Buffoon with Psychopath'
'Buffoon with Psychopath'

The only fighters today that have a justifiable cause are those fighting against a mass murdering criminal invader, which of course excludes American ‘heroes’, fighting for profits. Really, how dumb and gullible is the average American in military servitude?

Now, let’s analyze briefly Mattis’ comment WHICH IS A RHETORICAL FICTION. The wars the USA wages today are all about resource THEFT and the strategic acquisition of the sovereign lands of other nations, both of which pursuits are grossly ILLEGAL under international LAW -- SO, are these ‘just wars,’ you Yankee doodle Pentagon morons? NO fuckin’ WAY, they are clearly CRIMINAL WARS, pursued by, of course, CRIMINALS and madmen like Mattis!

However, Mattis is actually pushing the deep state’s line, i.e. that war is a ‘given’ today -- surely not a consequence of US policy -- while ignoring the FACT that America IS THE INSTIGATOR of all the ‘perpetual wars’ (for elite profits). So very easily we see that Mattis serves the MINORITY elite, not the MAJORITY PUBLIC which he pledged, AND IS OBLIGATED, to serve.

Mattis intentionally and directly slaughters ‘others’ because its “fun” -- the PSYCHOPATH -- but he ALSO indirectly, unintentionally, but effectively, slaughters Americans, which population suffers as result of the deep state AGENDA; note the massive decline in living standards and a massive increase in premature deaths and other horrid social consequences arising from the withdrawal of funds from the nation to serve the wars of the elite. Are we getting it yet? The American people are viewed as expendable as are the ‘others,’ AND it’s just 'a fact of life,' not an outcome of the most perverse pathological policies America has ever pursued.

Well, fact of life my ass, rain, wind and tides are facts of life but wars are the result of the MACHINATIONS of EVIL men, so go sell your POISON apple to sleeping beauty, you idiot, it’s not only media lobotomized Americans that receive mass media news, it’s the WORLD, you piece of dog shit!

But here’s the clincher, the people that Mattis designates as expendable and ‘fun’ to kill have the right to violently (if necessary) depose not only him but the entire dysfunctional Trump regime AND Congress; the UNREPRESENTED people, ARE IN FACT IN CONTROL in every democracy. They can have Mattis and every other traitorous head in Washington in a guillotine basket if they so CHOOSE. So my advice to Trump and all his psychopathic goons and establishment puppets is, keep doing what you’re doing, it helps awaken the disillusioned masses and accelerates your inevitable, violent eradication, which of course applies to the shadow government (elite rulers) and to THEIR political puppets that infest Washington.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2685.html