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Wage Democracy Against the Evil Mass Murdering Oligarchs and Plutocrats
by justin Thursday, Jun 1 2017, 1:21am
international / prose / post

Let’s take a good look shall we, at the state of unrepresentative western, elite rule. Clearly DEMOCRACY, defined as majority rule, has been dead for decades. The people have been reduced to voting for the ‘lesser evil,’ which is clearly not democracy, as the two major party system is owned and controlled by the same interests, the oligarchs and plutocrats, those mega-wealthy powerful minority groups that own all the major world banks and the mega-corporations. Do they represent the majority? Not a chance, yet they remain in control of western governments world-wide, which governments pledge privately before elections how much they would serve the interests of that minority while they LIE through their teeth to the disgruntled masses -- for instance, “I’ll drain the Washington swamp” -- by serving it -- LOL. Give the masses a break!

The LIES, DUPLICITY and DECEPTIONS of ALL major political parties and elite candidates HANG OUT LIKE DOG’S BALLS TODAY. We need not tolerate it any longer.

A real solution exists, boycott all major (owned) parties and install real representatives with integrity into office at every election. Simple, as all great solutions are. So what prevents the obvious from being REALISED? More lies and fear inducing media propaganda stories like, so and so is unqualified or inexperienced and would not be able to govern (for elites) -- bunk all of it, as that so and so would have the support of the MAJORITY and democracy’s essence is participation. Indeed, that so and so would have the support of a multitude of experts that all desire the same thing, to implement the fair system of government that the people demand -- the fact is, we outnumber elites and their corrupt servants by many millions to one, not a bad resource for all manner of things, is it?

Now as is easily appreciated, the implementation of REAL democracy is not a difficult proposition, it simply requires that we switch off the LYING corporate owned, fear inducing, mass media, which is the propaganda arm of the ruling global elites, nothing more.

The western mass media have proven over the past few decades that it cannot be trusted or believed for an instant. So allow local representatives to represent YOU in a democratic electoral system, which CONTINUES to serve the majority, that is why the mass media is forced to go to great lengths to lie and convince people to vote for one or the other (owned) major party candidates. It’s time to give a little thought to voting for the packaged and presented 'lesser evil,' which would NEVER represent the people as modern history VERIFIES.

Now the global majority clearly do not want or need wars, so ask yourself today why corporate resource stealing and mass murdering wars rage around the globe, the answer would sober you. All wars are the result of minority interests wishing to increase their profits and power without the fuss of legalities; wars provide a means whereby nations can plunder other weaker nations using various pretexts. Consider the “‘GLOBAL’ war on terror,” and if we use the most definitive meaning of terrorism, it is killing innocent civilians; now, which nation since WWII leads the world in killing innocent civilians, America by a country mile, it has slaughtered over six million innocent people, a conservative estimate, since the Vietnam war, easily verified by statistical records and information freely available in the public domain. So WE should all be able to see how the lies of the elite media and their government pawns leads us to OUR ruin while they of course never get their hands dirty but gain evermore wealth and power.

Now understand that power is PROCESS, it must be exercised in order to exist, power in the west reduces to elite rule and the mental or physical oppression of the enslaved masses, or conversely slaves enable masters as there can be NO MASTERS without SLAVES, a simple fact.

IT should NOW be easy to appreciate that the people remain, by virtue of OVERWHELMING numbers, the MOST POWERFUL SOCIAL FORCE ON THE PLANET. So isn’t it about time we EXERCISED OUR power together by boycotting major parties and installing real representatives into office at every local, state and federal election? Only then could we hope to RESTORE real DEMOCRACY and JUSTICE for all.

The fact that we have allowed evil minorities to assume rule over us for decades is an unnecessary GROSS FOLLY, which error of judgement we pay the price for DAILY.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2684.html