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Identifying Terrorist attackers Almost at light Speed
by judy Thursday, May 25 2017, 10:55pm
international / prose / post

We would note from the 9/11 false flag -- now established -- that identifying hireling ‘terrorist' perpetrators was almost instant, somehow a perfectly preserved passport of one of the ‘hijackers’ was magically ‘discovered’ in the massive rubble of the destroyed WTC, good luck and chance had nothing to do with it. It was just too neat, quick and absurd.

Today Washington released the identity of the Manchester bomber hours after the attack; now consider that Washington is thousands of miles from the attack site and had no known investigators at the site. Of course a solution to this apparent dilemma could easily be explained by British investigators identifying the culprit at lightning speed and informing their American counterparts, of course with the understanding that such information remains unpublished (America failed to comply) as the British were involved in investigating all connections to their instantly identified ‘useful idiot’ terrorist.

Yes, clearly, British regulatory agencies, like their Australian counterparts in relation to the Martin Place siege, where well aware of their monitored stooge prior to the EVENT, and allowed their respective ‘useful idiots’ to wreak havoc for political gain/purposes. However, the Martin Place siege failed in its primary objective to further contain the masses, instill fear and remove the few remaining freedoms Aussies enjoy. The population would have none of it and supported the Muslim community throughout the failed media campaign, much to the dismay and shock of American overseers. You have to be an Australian to understand the culture, what works in terrified, quivering America (home of the brave, my arse) does not work in Australia, plain to see as the national character of both cultures are poles apart.

As for the UK, though it is the most CCTV surveilled nation in the world, it remains to be seen whether or not the population falls for the same old, tired, false flag trick. We shall see.

The point is that numerous odd unreasonable indicators seem to suggest that it is a false flag, useful idiot event. That is not to say that a few demented clowns that align themselves to a US/Saudi created terrorist group -- ISIS -- which proves extremely useful to both nations, as one, an excuse to maintain the fake war on terror, which is a cover for plundering and removing regimes that do not kow-tow to Washington; and two, to subvert regimes allied to Shia Persia, so both conspirators win with ISIS, which is to this day supplied with intelligence, finances, explosive materials/arms mainly by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, Hillary Clinton has confirmed the fact as have numerous US presidents that couldn’t cuddle up closer to a Saudi regime so opposed to western values it makes the notion of ally ABSURD. But reality cannot be denied, at least outside America.

Now, the American deep state utilises its mass media arm from its New York headquarters -- the CFR -- to saturate the west with constructed ‘news,’ replete with omissions and additions making western news FAKE to the core, it should NEVER be taken at face value. Moreover, every textual analyst is aware that every LIE, reveals by nature, the TRUTH it wishes to hide, though I do not expect non-specialists to be able to peel constructed media stories like an onion.

However, if we step back from the constructed media hype we are easily able to determine that the event in Manchester is not as the western mass media would have us believe. The Manchester attack in fact raises more questions than it provides logical answers and that is the primary point; to put it in the vernacular, it stinks, as did the Sydney Martin Place 'siege', which failed in its primary objective. We'll see how the pommies go!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2677.html