The Bleating
by trixie Saturday, May 20 2017, 10:46pm
international /
poetry /
again we hear the same pathetic
utterances from men that know, though
they thrash at branches and leaves
having no effect except self-exhaustion,
when will they ever learn?
the world including the consciousness
of the masses is captured and shaped by
false information presented as ‘truth,’ fiction is
the currency of media-whores and politicians
if a shred of integrity existed in this group
the vile forces they serve would be devoid
of (monetary) power and the influence
it wields
the world would run from its present nihilistic course
and embrace harmony and peace
as the obvious and only viable options for survival
but it cannot be, as timid, passive slaves continue to tremble in
superimposed fears that infects cultural consciousness and is
eventually expressed as apathy, helplessness and infantilism
the law is a plaything of the mega-wealthy elites,
they wield it according to their needs,
the deafening scream of money silences
justice while the masses continue to be robbed
of their fair share always struggling just to survive,
debt-chains are indeed stronger than steel chains
yet i hear the dim bleating of the aware that offer no solutions
always re-presenting what we already know, the cause of injustice,
criminal wars, and the massive human devastation which provides
profits for elites
the current buffoon thinks himself proud that he has 'struck a deal'
with the criminal Saudis, $150b in weapons sales
that are utilised to support all extremist proxy fighting groups
that America utilises in its illegal wars,
how very transparent is the cover
consider the depth and implications of this sale,
America prints worthless paper dollars
which the Saudis accrue from oil sales to the US
then that same worthless currency is returned
to the US as payment for weapons of destruction, tho the ‘value’
of the medium of exchange is zero -
the process is a mad dog chasing its tail,
continually running circles,
and the masses are expected to believe
that the dollar and lies have value -
spinning money/lies on a carnival wheel invests NO value
tho it is an exercise in mutual masturbation,
a favourite practice of elites
the entire game is a destructive farce easily seen and eliminated
but slaves are taught to accept it and so
our path to ruin continues for want of another game
to play and ‘believe in’