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Conflicts of Interests Abound in American 'Red Queen' Law
by judd Friday, Nov 30 2012, 10:10pm
international / prose / post

Yet another high profile court case in America involving a clear conflict of interests -- the most conspicuous to date is the accused US military sitting in 'judgement' of the accuser Bradley Manning; that remains 'the' conflict of interests of historical proportions! However, following some distance behind is the gross conflict of interests of the judge involved in the Jeremy Hammond hacker case. It has been revealed that judge, Loretta Preska's husband was a victim of the alleged hacking exploits of the accused -- this constitutes a clear conflict of interests. Nevertheless, in new 'laws of convenience' America, where presidents boast extra-judicial kill lists, anything goes, and the judge may not be forced to withdraw from the case.


The major lesson here for freedom fighters and hackers everywhere is to learn by clear example -- when criminals hijack government, as has occurred in the USA, the first thing they do is harness the law to serve their interests. To date not ONE known American war criminal from the Bush or Obama administrations has been held accountable for war crimes, which have been recorded and published by numerous reputable institutions and groups, The Lancet, Johns Hopkins, MIT to name a few that have offered substantial proof of American war crimes.

The profound lesson to be learned here kiddies and mindless hackers is REMAIN ANONYMOUS at ALL TIMES or suffer the fate of glamour boy, Assange and naive and unfortunate hacker, Jeremy Hammond.

Hacking is what it has always been, a STEALTH activity and any breach of this cardinal rule results in a series of tragic events and outcomes for vain, careless or stupid hackers!

Remain free to fight another day -- ANONYMITY is IMPERATIVE!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-266.html