The American Dreamboat
by sandy Friday, Nov 30 2012, 9:58am
international /
prose /
International readers are able to derive much amusement at America's huge expense by simply questioning average Americans on the state of their nation and society in general. For example, ask a topical question like, 'what is the principal issue of the Bradley Manning case?'
Captain Imbecile
You will receive all sorts of mass media induced answers, but you will not receive the CORRECT answer -- which is what, morons? OK, one or two doodle dandies may have guessed it -- the main issue of the Manning case is the EXPOSURE of PENTAGON and EXECUTIVE WAR CRIMES! Did the rest of you mental lepers realize that? It's not about the accused military sitting in judgment of a brave whistle-blower, it's about EXPOSING criminality at the top!
Here's a couple more questions to highlight the appalling vacuum in most American heads.
Refer to the oft-repeated term 'tipping point' and ask what other (social) 'tipping points' have been breached -- this one should be easy even for brainless Americans. There is a veritable field to choose from; new 'totalitarian' laws and policies from 'genital groping,' X-Ray irradiation at air ports to invasive intrusions on privacy with data monitoring, which now extends to facial recognition and real time monitoring. Then ask if the president's 'kill list' is Constitutional and Legal.
After receiving the wrong answers to all the above questions, refer the hapless American imbecile to the nation's founding documents, which the founding fathers encoded with safeguards in order to preserve the nation and protect the Republic. Ask if average Americans have been legally charged with the sacred DUTY to preserve the rights and liberties enshrined in the founding documents. If necessary refer to Obama's new law of 'indefinite detention' without trial or charge on suspicion, then ask if that outrage to all civilized FREE humanity is Constitutional!
This game can continue indefinitely as there is no limit to American STUPIDITY or IGNORANCE! However, it may be worth citing that there is only one national characteristic -- of which the world is well aware -- that surpasses American ignorance and stupidity and that is the shameful COWARDICE displayed by the servile American masses today.
See video.
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