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Kremlin Advisor Strikes at the Root of American Violence, the Greenback
by Sergey Konkov via jane - TASS Monday, Apr 24 2017, 6:47am
international / prose / post

The only way to stop American aggression is to get rid of the dollar as the world's default trading currency, a Kremlin advisor said on Friday.


"The more aggressive the Americans are the sooner they will see the final collapse of the dollar as the only way for the victims of American aggression to stop this aggression is to get rid of the dollar. As soon as we and China are through with the dollar, it will be the end of the United States’ military might," Sergey Glazyev said in an interview with TASS.

Commenting on the policy of the new US president, Glazyev noted that Donald Trump is doing what the ruling elite expects him to do.

"I had no illusions about him, that he will change the policy. First, America’s aggressiveness in the world is rooted in the aspiration to preserve America’s hegemony in a situation when they have already ceded leadership in the economy to China," he said.

"The United States has no tools to make all others use the dollar other than a truncheon. That is why they are indulging in a hybrid war with the entire world to shift the burden on their debts onto other countries, to confine all to the dollar and weaken territories they cannot control."

"In this context, the anti-Russian hysteria and growing Russophobia can be seen as a long-term factor linked with the specific interests of the United States’ ruling elite," the Kremlin advisor said.

"In objective terms, they are conducting a global hybrid war and in subjective terms, this war is aimed against us. More to it, as it always happens when a global leader is changed, the war is for control over rimland nations. In the period of WWI and WWII, Britain acted as a provoker in a bid to keep its global leadership. Now the United States is doing the same. And Trump expresses these interests," he said.

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[Indeed, the paper dollar is not pegged to gold or any other valued commodity, its value issues from subscription ONLY. In and of itself it is valueless, toilet paper. However, while the world continues to subscribe American wars continue to be funded by the international community. The time to stop all this needless bloodshed and America's insane megalomaniacal ambitions is now. Economic powerhouse nations in Asia and emerging nations internationally, have already implemented the means for a shift from the dollar and western economic slavery. Once the decision is made America will face the fact that it is bankrupt.

Recall when former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan laughed when responding to a question on the growing $trillions in national debt and possible bankruptcy. His arrogant and divorced from reality response was, we would simply PRINT [paper money] our way back into the black. Well, REALITY is having the last laugh NOW!]

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-2624.html